Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credits: JOEL SAGET / AFP 14:33 pm, May 23, 2023

The continuous news channel BFMTV has announced that journalist Jean-Baptiste Boursier, currently at the head of a news segment on weekends, will join LCI next season. He will present LCI's morning show during the week, in place of Stefan Etcheverry.

The journalist Jean-Baptiste Boursier, one of the faces of BFMTV, leaves this news channel to join another, LCI, from next season, announced the latter Monday. He will present LCI's morning show during the week, in place of Stefan Etcheverry. "We will evolve the morning weekday to an even more in-depth format, with an increased place given to expertise," Fabien Namias, deputy director general of LCI, the TF1 group's news channel, said in a statement.

>> READ ALSO – Jean-Baptiste Boursier: on BFMTV, "I do not do the same job as CNEWS"

Currently at the head of a weekend news segment

According to him, this is part of a desire to "continue and further accentuate the momentum initiated on LCI, since last season". Even if it remains behind BFMTV and CNews in the ranking of news channels, LCI has seen its audience grow in recent months, thanks in particular to its coverage of the war in Ukraine.

Born in 1982, Jean-Baptiste Boursier joined BFMTV in 2011 and presented evening and weekend segments, as well as special football programs during major international competitions. He then went through RMC Story in 2018 and France Télévisions in 2019, before returning in 2020 to BFMTV, where he is currently at the head of an end-of-day news segment on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. He also co-hosts a fact-checking program, À l'épreuve des faits, on Saturdays at 13 p.m.