Chongqing, May 5 (Zhongxin Net) -- This reporter learned from the Fuling District Public Security Bureau in Chongqing on the 23rd that the Fuling police recently cracked a case of a particularly large counterfeiting of the trademark of a well-known squeezed vegetable brand, arrested 23 criminal suspects, destroyed 27 production "black factories" and 3 storage "black dens", and seized more than 10,13 bags of counterfeit a well-known brand of squeezed vegetables, involving more than 4200 million yuan.

The Fuling District Public Security Bureau of Chongqing previously received a report from a well-known squeezed vegetable brand company, saying that a citizen of Liaocheng, Shandong Province, reported that there was a problem with the squeezed vegetables he ate at a breakfast restaurant, and after the company's quality engineers identified it, it was confirmed that it was a fake and shoddy product, and asked the public security organ to investigate and deal with it.

After receiving the report, the Fuling police quickly set up a special case team led by the Food and Drug Environmental Investigation Detachment to coordinate the combined operation of multiple police types and coordinate the market supervision department to carry out simultaneous investigations. The special case team started from the clues of Shandong Liaocheng Breakfast Restaurant, followed the line, dug deep layer by layer, and after comprehensively combing the food raw and auxiliary materials supply and marketing platform, transportation channels, internal and external packaging, trademark plate making and printing, and revenue and expenditure network, it confirmed that Anhui national Tang was associated with the case.

Subsequently, the special case team sent police forces to Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Shandong to conduct on-the-spot investigation and gradually lock down the identity of key members. At this point, a gang of "cellmates" who met in prison and after their release from prison together with the production and sale of counterfeit well-known brands of squeezed vegetables surfaced. Due to the wide scope and large amount of money involved, it was listed as a listed supervision case by the Ministry of Public Security.

After thoroughly investigating the organizational structure and network chain of the gang, the Fuling police organized more than 70 crack police officers to go to five provinces to collect the network under the overall planning and deployment of the Ministry of Public Security. With the assistance of local public security organs, the Fuling police successfully arrested 27 criminal suspects.

After investigation, since August 2022, the gang has set up a "black processing factory" in a remote rural location in Dangshan, Anhui Province, to purchase semi-finished vegetables from other places, and purchase outer packaging that imitates the trademark of a well-known brand, and after unified packaging, sell them through online channels for profit. The gang is characterized by "corporatization", and implements independent operation of production, storage and sales to evade the crackdown, with a total of 8 employees, including finance, workers, and sales, scattered and hidden in Anhui, Jiangsu and other dens.

At present, five main criminal suspects have been arrested in accordance with the law on suspicion of counterfeiting registered trademarks, and the remaining gang members have been taken criminal compulsory measures in accordance with the law, and the case is under further investigation. (End)