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Those little bottles of shampoo, the soft bathrobe or the flip-flops to go down to the pool. Hotels have a thousand resources to make the stay comfortable, although this does not mean that there is an open bar of amenities. The truth is that, either intentionally or accidentally, it is common for customers to take any of these items as a souvenir. How often? To find out, the app passport-photo.online (to take biometric photos that serve for the passport) has conducted a survey of more than 1,000 people about their thefts in hotels.

According to their results, 87% of customers admit to having taken something from a hotel room at least once in their life. What's more, about a quarter of respondents (26%) commit petty theft in hotels during their entire stays.

Interestingly, it is the younger generation that reduces the average of these misdeeds: only 80% of 25-year-olds admit to having taken something without permission. At the other extreme, more than 90% of those over 55 admitted to being guilty of some improper abduction. By the way, after examining the data closely, we found that men tend to fall into temptation more often: 89% versus 84% of women.

The most stolen

What leads people to steal from hotels? People justify their thefts by citing the price they paid for accommodation (30%) and sentimental reasons (29%). The majority consider stealing bathroom accessories acceptable (32%), followed by toiletries (27%) and minibar items (26%). In the top of stolen items are towels (35%), soap dishes (35%) and tissue boxes (34%).

To find out this data, the interviewers offered a list of more than 75 different objects in ten categories and asked them which ones they had ever taken. Thus, mini pillows appear as the most desired among bedding items; umbrellas (very followed by bottle openers) among the usual tools. Books, magazines and baskets complete the ranking of the objects that most often disappear.

If we delve into the modus operandi we see that, regardless of the type of hotel that respondents usually choose, most establishments make you pay for stolen objects (if you get caught, of course).

By the way, another fact that emerges from this study is that 84% of respondents say they regret having taken something from a hotel. Of course, guests have no problem admitting these misdeeds. What's more, 90% admit that they often talk about their misdeeds with friends.

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