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Illustration of the »Goose Maid« by the Brothers Grimm

Photo: ullstein bild

A specialist in forensic psychiatry and an employee of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians had gotten into a dispute over video consultations. The doctor then sent the employee an e-mail with excerpts from the fairy tale "The Goose Maid". In it, the maid receives a punishment for pretending to be a false bride. She is dragged to death in a barrel shod with nails.

According to a court order, such an e-mail can be considered a punishable threat of a crime. This decision has now been confirmed by the judges in Frankfurt am Main. The man's appeal, on the other hand, was unsuccessful. There was no error of law to his detriment, the judges declared in their non-appealable order. (File number: Az. 7 ORs 10/23). This emerges from a decision published on Friday by the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt.

The specialist had been found guilty of a crime by the district court because he had deliberately threatened the recipient of the mail with death. She had taken the threat seriously, even in view of previous e-mails from the man in the context of a business communication.

The district court warned the specialist and reserved a fine of 40 daily rates.
