【Commentary】Recently, the upper limit of bank agreement deposit and call deposit interest rate self-discipline has been lowered. Banks ushered in a "wave of interest rate cuts", which sparked public discussion. "Deposit moving" has begun to attract the attention of many investors, how should the public do a good job in property management? Experts believe that in the coming period, interest rate reduction is the general trend. In this context, the income advantages of wealth management products are highlighted. However, it should be noted that it is necessary to diversify the allocation of assets as much as possible to prevent risks.

Wei Hongxu, researcher at the Macroeconomic Research Center of Anbound Think Tank

The overall decline in interest rates is a general trend, we may need to adjust some ideas, such as we adjust some of our own investment portfolio, appropriately add some other products with relatively high relative returns, for example, now we look at some financial management, bank wealth management This piece has some recovery, other funds and so on, and even to invest in some stocks. Or look at some of our personal choices, the main one is to pay attention to some risks, the other is to try to diversify their investment in this area as much as possible, so as to avoid interest rate adjustments or some capital market fluctuations to bring relatively large losses.

In addition to wealth management products, some experts said that investment products such as gold and treasury bonds can also be appropriately selected. But everyone is reminded that investing should be within the risk tolerance.

【During the same period】Liu Chunsheng, associate professor of Central University of Finance and Economics

Now the world economic situation is more complex and changeable, including Europe and the United States are raising interest rates, and then they are also facing this coexistence of inflation and economic growth, I suggest that you still have to reduce risks, in the case of reducing risks, but also want to obtain higher returns, such as some government bonds or long-term time deposits, then these may be a relatively safe choice. Of course, gold should still perform well this year, but none of the above constitutes investment advice, because we say that investing is always risky.

At present, the listed interest rates of 3-year and 5-year deposits of some large state-owned banks and joint-stock banks have dropped to less than 3%. More and more savers choose to save across provinces in order to obtain higher deposit interest rates, which is nicknamed "special forces deposits". Is such an approach desirable? Experts believe that this is a normal phenomenon in the market, but it is necessary to think rationally and do not follow the trend.

【During the same period】Liu Chunsheng, associate professor of Central University of Finance and Economics

We see that the big banks in big cities may give relatively small interest, while the small banks in small cities may give relatively more favorable interest, and the ability to absorb savings is slightly weaker, so it will open more favorable conditions to absorb savings, I think these are very normal phenomena. For depositors, they only need to worry about this, must look at a qualification of the financial institution, and your products are not crooked, persuaded or recommended by the salesman to do other products, and these products may not be what he needs. These may be some of the things to be aware of in this process.

Reporting by reporter Wang Shibo from Beijing

Responsible Editor: [Luo Pan]