The currently circulating XBB variant is a recombinant variant of the new coronavirus Omicron. The research data showed that compared with the early circulating Omicron variant, its transmissibility and immune evasion ability were stronger, but there was no significant change in pathogenicity. Look at the epidemic scientifically and adhere to the good hygiene habits that have been developed.

Wang Guiqiang, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Peking University First Hospital, believes that the people who are not infected, the elderly, those who have not been vaccinated, and people with underlying diseases are people of high clinical concern and need key protection. These groups should strengthen personal protection to prevent infection.

The symptoms of "Eryang" are very mild, and I should adjust my mentality to deal with it

The symptoms of "Eryang" are very mild, and from the perspective of Chinese medicine, it belongs to the wind and heat cold, showing the characteristics of wind and heat cold. Liu Qingquan, president of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, analyzed that now many places turn from spring to summer, the weather is gradually hot, and the diseases caused by wind and heat will increase. After secondary infection, there are symptoms of wind and fever, such as sore throat, mild cough, low-grade fever, etc., and the use of traditional Chinese medicine drugs for treating wind and fever is very effective, such as clearing heat, relieving the surface of wind, and throat drugs. In low-grade fever with these drugs, the systemic symptoms gradually disappear.

Liu Qingquan said that in the case of secondary infection, there is no need to panic. Do a good job of personal protection, wash hands frequently, avoid places where people gather, open more windows for ventilation, etc.

Keep eating healthy and eat lightly

"To maintain a healthy diet, it's best to eat lightly." Liu Qingquan said that from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, colds caused by wind and heat are most easily violated by people with heat and evil accumulation. Often eat heavy oil, spicy and salty foods, will quickly appear body heat, easy to appear cold or infection with the new crown virus. Therefore, the diet should be light, to keep the gastrointestinal clear, to prevent the gastrointestinal heat accumulation, the chance of reinfection will decrease.

Children and adolescents should eat less fast food and drink less carbonated drinks

For children and adolescents, eat less fast food and drink less carbonated drinks. Children and adolescents are all yang fever constitution, often eat fast food, drink carbonated drinks, the body will produce heat accumulation, the chance of infection with the new crown virus will be greatly increased. They are more likely to spread outward after infection, because children are more exposed to people and more easily contagious when they are studying and moving around at school. It is necessary to maintain a regular routine, go to bed early, and eat lightly.

The elderly should strengthen personal protection

Wang Liping, a researcher at the Department of Communication and Prevention of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that after entering the "B class B tube", the goal of my national defense control is to maintain health and prevent severe illness, so for people at high risk of severe illness, such as the elderly, especially the elderly over 80 years old, people with serious underlying diseases, we must do a good job of personal protection, avoid going to places where many people gather, usually pay attention to hand hygiene, go to a closed environment with many people, and pay attention to wearing masks. (Health China WeChat public account)