The Charlemagne Prize, who founded the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation - aka the First Reich - was established in 1950 and was awarded to statesmen who continued the work of imperial construction, which turned out to be relevant after 1945. The prize was awarded in Aachen, where it was the capital of the First Reich at the beginning of the IX century. This year it was presented to V.A. Zelensky and the Ukrainian people.

There is no certainty that both Zelensky himself and the Ukrainian people firmly knew who Charlemagne was and what he was famous for, but it is always nice to receive an award. Although its monetary component is small - only € 5 thousand, but the honor is great.

From 1950 to almost the present day, the prize has been awarded to noble people of the West. Although this was not explicitly stated in the statute of the award, the list of laureates said that the principle of awarding is somewhat similar to the principle of awarding the highest orders. Although the oldest and most honorable order of the Garter, the cavaliers of which were persons of royal rank and princes of the blood. At least the highest military orders of the USSR. Both the Order of Victory and the Order of Suvorov of the First Degree were awarded to military leaders at the level of front commanders. Or at least the commanders of the headquarters and branches of the armed forces of this level.

The Charlemagne Prize was established for civilians, but the level of statesmen worthy of the award was also appropriate. The entire iconostasis of the founding fathers of the European Union was presented there: Robert Schumann, Konrad Adenauer, the founder of the Italian Republic Alcide de Gasperi, the long-term Belgian Prime Minister Spaak, British prime ministers, US presidents. Of the clergy, there are two popes of the holiest ones. Ex officio - all presidents of Germany, etc.

Even until recently, when the old Europe in the union began to be more and more diluted with a new one, they tried to somehow observe the elite principle of the Order of Charlemagne. There were also Eastern European laureates, but purely nomenclature and venerable. At least in the European sense. For example, the Czech President Havel can be treated differently, but he undoubtedly entered the European iconostasis, while the Polish Kaczynski brothers with their creatures (Morawiecki, Duda) are not included in any way. Accordingly, they did not receive € 5 thousand.

That is, in the list of laureates who worked and now seem to continue to work on the revival of the Holy Roman Empire, the plebeians did not appear. Only one European patriciate plus noble Anglo-Saxons.

But when, in recent years, conservative beginnings - even if only of a symbolic nature - in the European Union were ordered to live for a long time and a green revolution took place with the appearance of the most amazing patricians in power, this was logically reflected in the Charlemagne Prize.

Indeed, when the people we see now are in power, why should the selection of laureates now be conducted with the same rigor?

And away we go. The 2022 prize was given to three ladies who were going to lead Belarus instead of Lukashenko: "For their courageous and inspiring commitment to freedom, democracy and the protection of human rights." Perhaps S.G. Tikhanovskaya in Aachen inspires everyone, while A.G. Lukashenko does not inspire at all. But what is the connection between the unsuccessful attempt of the Belarusian "Maidan" in the summer and autumn of 2020 and the legacy of Charlemagne - this is not given to everyone to understand. As well as the connection between the current celebration of V.A. Zelensky and European construction.

The official formula is "The Ukrainian people, under the leadership of their President Volodymyr Zelensky, defend not only the sovereignty of their country and the lives of its citizens, but also Europe and European values." Except according to the formula "Yaka Europe, such are the values" defended by Zelensky. For example, the violation of all the Geneva Conventions relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in the Course of War. However, perhaps this refers to European values in the interpretation of the Third Reich. Then quite and very even.

Dr. Goebbels, too, spoke at length and with inspiration about the defense of Europe against Russian barbarism.

There is already a transition from the First Reich to the Third, but there is no certainty that today's European notables see much difference. Moreover, after all, the same picture is observed with other honorary awards. There is also a huge distance between the Nobel Peace Prize laureates of the early twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century.

It remains to start producing rockers and rappers as knights of the Order of the Garter, and it will be very good.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.