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Two skeletons of Pompeii inhabitants, who died due to the huge earthquake that accompanied the eruption, have come to light following new excavations in the archaeological area of the city destroyed by the volcano Vesuvius in 79 AD. C.

This new discovery provides more details of what were the moments of the eruption, since the inhabitants of Pompeii not only died by the lapilli or small fragments of lava, ash and hot gases given off by Vesuvius, but also by the collapses of a large earthquake connected to the eruption.

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The missing data.

150 pieces of the bridal carriage 'Phoenix' of Pompeii


150 pieces of the bridal carriage 'Phoenix' of Pompeii


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  • Writing: EFE Roma

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This is what happened to the last two victims found, whose skeletons were found during an excavation in the island of the Castos Amantes, and who died when they fell a wall "between the final phase of sedimentation of the lapilli and before the arrival of the pyroclastic currents that definitively buried Pompeii," explained today those responsible for the archaeological area in a statement.

This finding constitutes "increasingly clear evidence that, during the eruption, landslides associated with the accumulation of lapilli or the impact of pyroclastic currents were not the only dangers to the lives of the inhabitants of ancient Pompeii, as excavations of recent decades increasingly investigate."

Data from early anthropological analyses indicate that both individuals probably died from multiple injuries caused by the collapse of some parts of the building. They were probably two male individuals at least 55 years old, they explained.

During the extraction of the cervical vertebrae and skull of one of the two skeletons, remains of organic material emerged, probably a piece of cloth, in addition to five elements of glass paste identifiable as beads from a necklace and six coins.

"The discovery of the remains of two Pompeians that took place in the context of the construction work on the Insula dei Castos Amantes demonstrates how much remains to be discovered about the terrible eruption of 79 AD and confirms the opportunity to continue scientific research and excavation activities," said the Italian Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano.


Pompeii is "an immense archaeological laboratory that has regained strength in recent years, astonishing the world with the continuous discoveries brought to light and demonstrating Italian excellence in this sector," the minister added in the note.

For the director of the archaeological area, Gabriel Zuchtriegel, "modern excavation techniques help us to better understand the inferno that completely destroyed the city of Pompeii in two days, killing many inhabitants: children, women and men. With analysis and methodologies we can get closer to the last moments of those who lost their lives."

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