If you don't lose weight in May, you're sad in June

Have you stepped on these pits on the road to weight loss

Chao News cooperated with experts from major hospitals to propose scientific weight loss initiatives

Our reporters: Liang Jingxian, Sui Xue, Xie Ziyi, correspondents, Liu Jiarui, Guo Jun, and Zhu Yaoling

If you don't lose weight in May, you're sad in June.

Summer is approaching, and many people are beginning to pick up their spirits again and seriously consider starting a new round of weight loss. But did you choose the right way to lose weight?

Chao News jointly with experts from Zhejiang Hospital, Zhejiang University Children's Hospital, Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Department of Endocrinology issued an initiative: scientific and healthy weight loss, avoid entering the weight loss misunderstanding!

By hunger

Can you lose weight?

I didn't lose a pound after two weeks of dieting

27-year-old Xiaojie (pseudonym) has always dreamed of having "chopstick legs" and "A4 waist", but she is 1.53 meters tall and weighs 57 kilograms. Seeing that the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the cooler the body, Xiaojie's weight loss plan is on the agenda. Her approach is simple: diet. But the ideal "tumultuous scale" scene did not appear, even if I was dizzy from hunger, my weight still did not move.

In the outpatient clinic of the nutritionist of Zhejiang Hospital's nutrition department Caijuan, Xiaojie vomited bitter water: "I have tried to starve myself for a few days before, and the short-term effect is indeed good, but I didn't expect that this time I insisted on not losing a pound of meat for two weeks, but my hair fell a lot, and I was tired, flustered, and irritable all day." ”

After the test, it was found that Xiaojie's body fat rate was as high as 37% (18%~28% for normal women). If you want to lose weight, controlling your mouth and opening your legs are two magic weapons. "Keeping your mouth shut doesn't mean dieting. Losing weight by skipping dinner, light fasting in fruit and vegetable juices, intermittent fasting and other methods is actually a misunderstanding. Si Caijuan said that "weight loss" needs to lose fat, and when dieting, fat will be decomposed, muscles will also be decomposed for energy, so long-term excessive dieting will lead to a large loss of muscle, which will reduce the basal metabolic rate, eating the same amount of food will be easier to accumulate fat than the original.

The normal basal metabolic rate of adult women is generally 1200-1400 kcal, Xiaojie such frequent dieting, the basal metabolic rate will be lower than the measurement, may only be 700-800 kcal. "Her body has reached an energy balance in low levels of intake, but people can't eat so little all their lives, as long as they eat back to the normal amount, excess calories will accumulate, so there will be a phenomenon of eating less and not thin, and getting fat as soon as they eat." What is normal intake for others is 'excessive' for her. ”

In addition, after a long-term diet, the body seems to have a famine, once normal eating resumes, the body will desperately absorb nutrients and reserve energy to cope with the next famine. At this time, ingested food is more easily converted into fat storage. This is also why many people regain weight quickly after stopping dieting.

Unscientific dieting and weight loss will also lead to nutrient deficiencies, which may not only cause hair loss, sagging skin, menstrual disorders, but also affect mood, cause depression, anxiety and other emotions, and even affect the nervous system.

"For this group of people, we must first adjust the diet structure, use scientific dietary methods to increase the basal metabolic rate, and then gradually reduce fat." Si Caijuan suggested that in terms of diet, it is necessary to appropriately increase staple foods, better thickness and thickness, 10-15g/day of fat, control the intake of refined sugar, and ensure sufficient intake of vegetables, fruits and high-quality protein. "It is best to do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, on the one hand, it can help achieve the purpose of weight loss, but also improve the body's metabolic function and greatly improve physical fitness."

Small children grow bodies

Is it okay to eat more?

More than 20% of children have dyslipidemia

The newly released "Guidelines for the Management of Chinese Blood Lipids (2023)" pointed out that due to dietary pattern changes, reduced physical activity and poor lifestyle, the incidence of lipidemia in children and adolescents in China showed an increasing trend, and the detection rate was 20.3%~28.5%.

At the Children's Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Dong Guanping, director of the Department of Endocrinology, recently received a 3-year-old little fat dun. "This child is 1.1 meters tall and weighs more than 70 pounds. Compared with dolls of the same age, his whole person is 'bigger', and when he checks his blood lipids, he is actually twice as high as normal. Such a small child with high blood lipids shocked Director Dong Guanping.

"Generally speaking, in addition to family history and diseases, drugs and other factors, most patients with high blood lipids are 'eaten', which is related to long-term consumption of high-fat, high-sugar, high-calorie foods such as beverages, sweets, fatty meats, and fried foods." Dong Guanping introduced that among more than 4000,35 obese children hospitalized in Zhejiang University Children's Hospital for metabolic assessment, the detection rate of hypertriglyceridemia was as high as 77.33%, and the detection rate of lipoprotein abnormalities was as high as 13.70%. 80~2% of childhood obesity and related metabolic disorders can continue to adulthood, increasing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases by 5~<> times.

To prevent and treat children's hyperlipidemia, the correct "eating + moving" is the key. Zhou Xuelian, deputy chief physician of the Department of Endocrinology of Zhejiang University Children's Hospital, suggested that the diet should avoid high-fat and high-sugar diets, control carbohydrates, limit the intake of saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, cholesterol, and fructose-rich juices and beverages, and increase the content of viscous fiber and plant sterols (lipids) in food. Breakfast, lunch and dinner meals according to the proportion of energy provided to the total energy of the whole day are 30%, 40%, 30%, protein, fat and carbohydrate energy supply ratio of 12% ~ 14%, 25% ~ 30%, 55% ~ 65%, respectively, to control calories while ensuring the energy supply required for children's growth and development.

At the same time, children can be cultivated to maintain long-term regular exercise habits, which can use some aerobic exercise programs that increase energy expenditure and are easy to adhere to, as well as strength exercises and flexibility training. Pay attention to arouse interest and enthusiasm, such as abnormal cardiopulmonary function or severe hypertension, etc. need to exercise under the guidance of a doctor.

Eat less and move more

Still can't lose weight?

The problem may be in the physique

"Doctor, why do I control my diet and do exercise, but I still can't lose weight?" This is a puzzle that many people who are troubled by obesity have.

In this regard, Yuan Xiao, deputy director of the Department of Endocrinology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine), gave the answer: "It may be related to its own constitution." ”

After more than 30 years of research, Wang Qi, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, led the team to conclude that there are 9 constitutions in Chinese, namely peaceful quality, qi deficiency, yang deficiency, yin deficiency, qi depression, phlegm and humidity, humid heat, blood stasis and special quality. Different constitutions will have different physical characteristics.

"Among them, phlegm wet constitution, humid hot constitution and yang deficiency constitution are the most prone to obesity, and they are often related to 'spleen deficiency'." Yuan Xiao explained that Chinese medicine talks about "spleen main movement", spleen deficiency lost to healthy luck, people with a bad spleen, the diet eaten is not easy to be metabolized, the formation of phlegm and moisture stay in the body, coupled with insufficient qi and blood, the driving force is not enough, it is difficult to excrete the body, and the accumulation of time becomes a pile of fat hoarded in the body.

Such people often ask: Am I not eating enough? Yuan Xiao said that this is a common misunderstanding. "The spleen's transport function also needs nutritional support, and excessive dieting will only cause more serious damage to the spleen."

To lose weight, adjust the body first! For people who eat less and move more and can't lose weight, Yuan Xiao suggested that they first go to the hospital to do a physical identification and distinguish and cure them. If you are prone to obesity, you can regulate the spleen and stomach through Chinese medicine decoction and Chinese medicine external treatment, improve the ability to eliminate food and help luck, excrete the "garbage" accumulated in the body little by little, and slowly reduce the weight.

It is important to maintain enough patience in this process. Yuan Xiao reminded that physique conditioning usually takes two to three months or more, and you can't choose to give up halfway because you can't see the effect in the short term. In addition, during the conditioning period, patients should also continue to control diet and strengthen exercise, correct treatment and good habits, it is possible to truly achieve the goal of weight loss. (Qianjiang Evening News)