Solène Delinger 18:07 p.m., May 15, 2023, modified at 18:08 p.m., May 15, 2023

This Monday, May 15, 2023, TF1 broadcasts the first two episodes of Randonneuses, a mini-series about six women with or cured of cancer who embark on the ascent of the Dome of Lauze. Clémentine Célarié plays the role of Noémie and notably gives the answer to Camille Chamoux. This project had a special meaning for the actress who herself had colon cancer.

Clémentine Célarié is back on the small screen this Monday evening on TF1 in the mini-series Les Randonneuses, a moving drama on the theme of cancer. This fiction, in which also plays Camille Chamoux, whom Europe 1 had the chance to interview, portrays six women who met in chemo protocol. Together, they set themselves the crazy challenge of hiking to attack the Dome of Lauze, a peak of nearly 4,000 meters, to honor the memory of Eve, a friend who died of cancer.

"I felt like I saw these women, knew them"

Clémentine Célarié, who herself battled colon cancer diagnosed in 2019, immediately agreed to participate in this project that meant a lot to her. "It's been a long time since I've discovered such a well-written script with such humor, truth, depth and intelligence. Reading it, I had the impression to see these women, to know them. I was amazed that I was offered a series on cancer when I had one, "she says in an interview for TF1 Pro. "It was great to express myself through a character on this subject and even more in a comedy because those who go through this disease often cling to humor and self-mockery to transgress it. I also loved that the story takes place in the middle of a sumptuous, almost sacred nature."

READ ALSO- INTERVIEW - Camille Chamoux in "Les Randonneuses": "It's magical to have heroines in chemo protocol in prime time on TF1"

Clémentine Célarié awarded at Series Mania

It is thanks to her role in Les Randonneuses that Clémentine Célarié was awarded an interpretation prize at the Séries Mania festival. The actress was particularly tocuhed when receiving her award. "I was very moved because, the crazy thing is that I am rewarded for a series that talks about cancer, while I had one and I had been advised not to say it," says the actress in the columns of Télé-Loisirs. Les Randonneuses has as if put an end to its fight against the disease: "Today, transcending the ordeal of cancer with a work like Les Randonneuses, it's the grail!", enthuses the one whose character Noémie also learns that she is cured for good...