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"My goal was for Luca to leave." If there's one thing Jothe can't beat, it's sincere. From day one, the MasterChef 11 hopeful has been as clear as water. He rioted against the judges of Masterchef 11, opened the first war of this edition of the culinary talent and, since last night, has become the "rat" of MasterChef 11, in the words of his colleagues, but also of his friends. The animosity he feels for Luca led him last night to make a decision rarely, if ever, seen on MasterChef: he decided to condemn all his colleagues to the elimination test.

For Jotha there are no friends, there is a contest, period. Loyalty and friendship do not exist. When Jordi Cruz offered to bite the apple of original sin in exchange for not cooking in the elimination test -although it was not a black apron-, ensure immunity for the next program and condemn all his companions, black and white aprons, to the elimination test, he did not think about it for half a second. He bit the apple and if I've seen you I don't remember. Not half a hint of bad conscience, not half a hint of concern.

Not even when Alex, one of those who is supposed to be her friend, got angry, called him a "rat" and reproached him for what he had just done, Jotha flinched. Because Jotha was clouded by something much more than securing one more program or approaching the final after last night's repechage, Jotha was clouded by the desire he has to load Luca. It's strange because in the outdoor test, becoming captain for the first time, Jotha was very clever: he chose Luca. He took it to his team even knowing that it was not going to be easy to manage the character of the tiktoker or the bad vibes that he (and everyone) have with Claudia, the last to arrive.

No matter the risk, Luca is considered the talisman of the outdoor tests of MasterChef 11 because team in which it falls, team that is saved. It's all a matter of competing. If you have to do guts and put up with Luca to bring luck to the team, you hold on. And he added. He made one of the best captaincies that are remembered in this edition of MasterChef, things as they are. And it was not an easy captaincy, far from it.

The aspirants, transferred to the Monastery of El Escorial, had in their hands some more than complicated dishes. The chef in charge of preparing these dishes, Daniel Ochoa, could not tell him more clearly or repeat it more times: all the dishes were difficult, all the dishes needed a thousand eyes and all the dishes had a risk. Both those of the blue and red teams and those of the greatest repechage ever lived in the history of MasterChef.

Yes, last night there was a repechage and it could not be more obvious or more sung: Laura and Marta. And, again, Jotha activating the target. I didn't want either of them. The first, in fact, is not known very well why, the second for the same reason that led him to bite the apple: he does not want to have anyone strong in MasterChef 11. As soon as they gave him the chance to fall like flies, Jotha took advantage of it. It makes me very funny that he told Laura when she was expelled that it was her fault, for not cooking well and that everyone has to assume their mistakes, but it turns out that he condemns everyone so as not to have to gamble.

Jotha's death sentence on MasterChef

The fact is that after an outdoor test in which the harassment and demolition of the aspiring Claudia was confirmed, the last to reach MasterChef 11, and in which the repechage returned to the kitchens of MasterChef to practically the last to fall, the red team was chosen the losing team, while the blue, formed by Eneko, Lluís, Álex, Luca, Claudia and Jotha ensured one more week in the culinary talent. And, of course, Marta and Laura, who having been the repechages did not have to go through the torture of an elimination test. Until the "rat" came, until Jotha arrived.

The problem of last night's program was not the outdoor test, as is usual in MasterChef, the problem was the elimination test and what brought with it Jotha's decision to send everyone to her, even those who had been part of her team, even those who with their work had helped her perform her captaincy, even his friends. Neither forgetting nor forgiving, you might say.

When Jotha bit the apple and sent them all to the pit, there were those who applauded his decision, as was the case of Jorge Juan or Francesc, while others, those who considered Jotha his friend, whom he has had by his side when the judges had him in the spotlight and when his war with Luca was constant. To Álex, to Eneko, to Lluís... Alex's anger was monumental. He did not expect it, he could not accept that for saving himself, who was already saved and for securing two more programs, his friend would sentence them to death.

And what a death! MasterChef 11 prepared a test of elimination of the most difficult of this edition: reproduce desserts with applemade by Ona Carbonell and Raquel Meroño, Belén López, Eva Micaela, Vicky Pulgarín, Marta Verona andIván Mariña. And what desserts! Mother of beautiful love! In MasterChef they are horny. Not if we give you the exact recipes and ingredients because they are very difficult, Pepe Rodríguez told them before entering the MasterChef supermarket. As if that was going to fix something for them.

However, Jotha's work and cruelty was not going to end in the sentence to his companions, Jotha's work had one more sentence. Having been the best of the outdoor test had one more advantage, distribute the cakes that each one had to make. He wanted to benefit Francesc and Fray Marcos, also Álex, to see if the anger would pass, and he wanted to finish, fulminate, kill with a stroke of the pen, Marta, Laura and, of course, Luca. He gave them the most difficult desserts, but he also gave it to Ana, who did not complain, nor protest at any time. And Jotha went up to the gallery, stood next to Jordi Cruz's mannequin and lived life.

"He's a hypocrite, he's a fake, he's the baddest thing," Luca said after giving him the most complicated cake. I don't know what he was surprised about either. If one thing was clear, it was that Jotha was not going to benefit him. But what did surprise is the cake he gave Claudia. Since arriving, the Italian actress has only found support in Jotha. In the test of the previous program, they cooked together and understood each other very well. Jotha had become Claudia's only support, the only 'friend' in the house. It's what he lacked.

Everyone, from the first to the last, has a terrible dislike for the newcomer. It is true that he does not have an easy character, that he overacts, that there are times when he goes over the top, but he does not do anything that he does not do, for example, Luca. However, with her they have zero compassion. When they can, they give it and they give it well. How not to cry when the only person you have by your side in MasterChef plays it vilely. "I'm strong and I'm going to prove it. Today they have hit me from all sides," said the actress through tears.

Laura dies killing in MasterChef 11

Between new robberies – yes, up to two bowls with cream disappeared last night – and the chaos of some, like Laura, the elimination test choked most, if not all. And Jotha so calm, and Jotha from the balcony, and Jotha, talking badly and soon, touching the balls. On top making firewood from the fallen tree.

The drama came with the judges' assessments. With the exception of Fray Marcos, who since he has the pin of immunity has lost any hint of humility, the rest suffered what is not in the writings. Jorge Juan and Ana, well, but the rest... Oh, the rest! Luca, for a change, to tears, and not because of his cake, which was a disaster, but because Luca is not happy. It turns out that the tiktoker studies Marketing, and does not want to study Marketing, what he likes are social networks, but his parents do not know it -now they do-. So he has a trauma, he's not happy. A living tear, but alive, alive, alive.

And, of course, Laura. Her cake, which was the same as Ana's, could not be eaten, as well as Lluís', with which the elimination of MasterChef 11 was played. If you get to go Lluís, Eneko jumps off the balcony. What suffering!

And Laura died killing. The judges decided to eliminate the Barcelona native on the same day she had been refished from MasterChef 11. Double stick. Laura could have broken into tears, but no. For what she had left in the convent... And he went for Jotha, and he went to sack: "I think he has not made it easy for me. I wish I had had another one. Thank you Jotha. But he gave it to me because he wanted to fuck me and he fucked me. Thank you Jotha, again. Someday karma is going to give it back to you. You learn to be good people at home." I didn't need to say anything more.

And Jotha responded and did it rightly, who cooked badly was her. She had the same cake as Ana, Ana took it out and she didn't. Of course, if Jotha had not sentenced him to death, had not given him the black apron, had not thrown him into the pit, Laura would have had a second chance on MasterChef 11.

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