In the spring of 2018, Weishuang came across the works of Zhoufeng Drama Studio Moran. She was very surprised to find that this work broke her inherent cognition of scripted entertainment works, and in addition to the elements of logical reasoning, it also highlighted the "choice of human emotions". This discovery inspired her deeply, "It turns out that script entertainment can have more space for expression and the possibility of transmitting values in addition to reasoning." With the encouragement of Moran, Weishuang also embarked on the road of pursuing rich and interesting script entertainment creation and finding more expression.

Born in 1995, Weishuang is currently a contracted author of Zhoufeng Drama Studio and a well-known author in the script entertainment industry. The screenplay "Outrageous Building" created by Weishuang takes China's urbanization process as the main background, focuses on the changes in neighborhood relations in the new era, expresses the Chinese people's desire for group warmth in the changing times from the perspective of six ordinary people, tells the story of two generations who still protect kindness, laughter and warmth in the face of life difficulties, and shows the inheritance of the fine Chinese virtues of unity and friendliness between the two generations.

A young player who played the script believes that this script is close to life, which arouses their attention to the beautiful details of life in the game, makes people feel the warm power in life, and wants to pass on this power. "After playing the script, my spirit is relaxed and my life is more motivated." The player said.

Scripts that have human warmth and can touch emotions and resonate are more popular

Like many people in the script industry, Ether first came into contact with the script entertainment industry as a "player". Born in 1996, Ether is a lover of words, and she believes that in the new era, there will be new forms of expression of words, so she has been looking for a carrier that is more suitable for "author's expression". After getting to know Mo Ran and Weishuang, she developed a new concept of script entertainment creation, "It turns out that the script can also be presented in a comprehensive form. It gives players a feeling that is no longer limited to the pleasure of reasoning, it allows me to see new ways of 'creating', and it also makes me believe that 'entertainment' can bring more value. Ether said.

In the past 5 years of Ether engaged in script creation, Ether has created many script works full of positive energy, such as "Guiyin Cheap" and "The Gap of Years" are well-known in the industry and are deeply liked by young consumers.

"Guiyin Cheap" tells the history of the struggle of young people in the 20s of the 80th century. The script restores the changes of the times in China from 1980 to 2020, shows the achievements of 40 years of reform and opening up, allows contemporary youth to choose the direction of life of characters in immersive games, deeply feel the development of the new Chinese era and social progress in the process of light and joyful games, experience the life course experienced by their parents' generation, and understand their spirit of fighting for their families and careers.

Many young people who have played the script of "Guiyin Cheap" feel that they have realized the painstaking efforts of their parents after the game, so they take the initiative to send warm messages to their parents, and even write a letter full of gratitude to their parents. There are also some young players who have a deeper understanding of their lives after the game, and understand that life needs to be fought and time needs to be cherished.

The scripted entertainment industry is a living industry

"The Gap of Years" is an experimental work of script entertainment + psychological healing + immersive interactive technology + audio-visual and audio-visual, opening up a precedent for new "healing" scripts. The script is aimed at the current life situation of young people, combines the relevant knowledge of psychological therapy to create the plot, and uses audio-visual immersion throughout the process to give players a deeper and more direct immersive experience.

Based on the common mental dilemmas of contemporary youth, the game leads players to reveal their hearts and experience a wonderful dream journey that perfectly integrates with the characters through a fun and symbolic game process. The work allows players to have a dialogue with their own hearts, guides players to explore their inner true desires, and achieves the purpose of "emotional catharsis" and "psychological healing".

The novel design of "The Gap of Years" touched the heart of player Zhang Yue, and he and his partners were full of interest in this unique gameplay and concept, and also recognized the concern expressed in the script for the hearts of contemporary youth, "Infected by the positive attitude towards life conveyed by the script, it was 'released' and 'healed' during the game." ”

"The scripted entertainment industry has always brought me a warm and vivid feeling, it is a collection of contemporary young people, always constantly innovating, and it is a very dynamic industry." Ether said. After years of creation, she has accumulated some experience, "The works need to carry the traditional cultural heritage. People will be willing to listen to stories from familiar environments, and if works are divorced from the cultural soil in which contemporary youth grow and detached from their cultural habits, they will reduce their acceptance. The work also needs to inspire empathy, and people will listen attentively to stories related to themselves. What young people like and pay attention to is a topic that creators need to pay attention to, and stories that can resonate with the hearts of contemporary young people are one of the sources of attraction of the work. The work also needs to have credibility. People tend to listen to stories with high authenticity, and in the context of the changing world view of the script and the constantly innovative story, creating content that is not vain, not flat, and undesirable is an important lesson that creators need to practice. ”

The scripted entertainment industry provides a social platform for people with common interests

The success of scripted entertainment lies not only in the excellent script, but also in the ability of NPCs (non-player characters in the game) to host, guide and perform in the game.

Zhang Penghui, 24 years old, works as an administrator and NPC at the Chaoyang Road store on Storm Island in Beijing. He graduated from the drama, film and television performance major, because he likes acting, usually delves into the play with the player, when he has free time, he will rehearse in advance, polish the details of each match, and sometimes cry because he is too deep into the play.

He felt, "The secret room performance pays more attention to the zero-distance play with the player, and the actors and players are mutually complete." Good matches make players have a better gaming experience, and it also gives me a sense of accomplishment."

In his opinion, the significance of the scripted entertainment industry is not only to let players release pressure and get happiness in the game, but also to serve as a social platform for young friends with common interests to gain friendship.

To create a new offline social channel for the younger generation, through the game form of reasoning and cooperation, let the dialogue and communication between people return to the offline, and narrow the distance between each other, which is also the original intention of Xu Dongyan and his friends to create the "Orange Wish Culture".

On the eve of graduating from college in 2016, Xu Dongyan and three friends chatted late at night, and when talking about the hotly discussed reasoning variety shows, the four people coincidentally wanted to expand the social channels of the younger generation through reasoning scripts and games. Hitting it off, they decided to make a career with screenwriting and game mode. The first script they wrote was named "Saffron Mystery Case", using sofas, chairs and other furniture found from the second-hand market to build a simple scene in the Hangzhou NINES CLUB Boom Party Hall, starting the first attempt of offline live-action script entertainment, with a ticket price of 3 yuan per person, making a profit of more than 4,100 yuan in just one month.

This inspired the team and made them more sure of the industry's huge potential. In May 2017, they established Hangzhou Orange Wish Culture Planning Co., Ltd. At the end of 5, based on the previous successful experience, 2017 good friends began to build an offline real-world reasoning museum. At that time, the offline script entertainment industry was on the rise in China, and they caught up with the first batch of real-life reasoning games in China. The Xiaoshan store of NINES Reasoning Hall has become a "test field" for the reasoning hall business. After the funds were returned, the team began to carry out capital financing in Hubin, and then developed to Ningbo cross-regional operations, then Xi'an cross-provincial operations, and now to Hangzhou to build the largest immersive game center in China - MIX PLAY. "The opening of each store is the result of continuous innovation and breakthroughs by the team." Xu Dongyan said.

Xu Dongyan told the China Youth Daily reporter: "Scripted entertainment is a creative and imaginative art form, which can bring many positive effects to young people. First of all, scripted entertainment can promote the mental development of young people and cultivate their critical thinking and creativity. Secondly, scripted entertainment can strengthen young people's teamwork and communication skills, improving their leadership and self-confidence. In addition, scripted entertainment can also help young people develop interpersonal relationships and expand their social circles. ”

In order to spread positive energy, convey the concept of sunshine, positivity and upwardness, and guide young audiences to establish a correct world view and values. Orange Wish Culture takes the script as a high focus of creation, not only in line with the orientation of the times, but also strives to convey more positive values to players, they have developed the "Red Script Entertainment" work, the history of Jinggangshan, the Long March and other theme content into the script, to remind everyone to remember history, remember the sacrifice of ancestors, carry forward the red spirit, the work will be released in Nanhu, Jinggangshan and other places; The online "Again Youth" themed script entertainment focuses on "school bullying", players will realize that some previously "unconscious" behaviors are actually a kind of school bullying through the development of the game plot, thus calling on people to resist school bullying; In addition, Orange Wish Culture also cooperated with the Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau to launch anti-telecom fraud themed script entertainment, allowing players to experience first-hand how the so-called "stupid people" are deceived step by step, so as to help players improve their vigilance and anti-fraud awareness.

In Ether's view, excellent scripts will have a positive impact on leading the positive development of the industry and guiding young people to form correct values and positive mental outlook. "Shape people with a noble spirit and inspire people with excellent works." The existence of excellent scripts can give more attributes to the industry, and on the basis of entertainment attributes, it can open up more positive values such as improving life concepts, enhancing cultural self-confidence, and promoting excellent traditions. Ether said.

Weishuang believes that the value of a good script lies in the ability to build a "platform" for young players to communicate based on correct values through the immersion of the game. On this "platform", young players use scripted games as an entry point. By talking to each other, conveying positive spiritual thoughts to each other, establishing friendship, after walking out of the script "platform", positive thoughts will continue to be passed on through the medium of "people", so as to build an upward attitude to life and spiritual outlook.

"I have always believed that words have power, and that this power can give courage, enthusiasm and determination to today's youth." Ether said. She told reporters that the "sense of participation" created by excellent script works for young consumers is actually to let young people personally participate in the story and process of cultural consciousness and cultural confidence, so that young people can experience the correct values conveyed by the script more deeply while practicing it, and apply the perception of the script experience to real life, abandon negative energy, and face life with a more positive mental outlook.

Xia Jin, reporter of China Youth Daily Source: China Youth Daily