Solène Delinger 15:17 pm, May 09, 2023, modified at 15:17 pm, May 09, 2023

Friday, May 5, 2023, Michel Cordes, the unforgettable interpreter of Roland Marci in "Plus belle la vie", was found dead by firearm at his home. The announcement of his death devastated all his former playing partners from the cult soap opera France 3. Fabienne Carat, alias Sami Nasri, paid him a moving tribute, very quickly criticized by Laurent Kérusoré, who played the role of Thomas in the series.

The world of television has lost one of its iconic faces. Friday, May 5, 2023, Michel Cordes, the unforgettable interpreter of Roland Marci in Plus belle la vie, was found dead by firearm in his home in Grabels, in the Hérault. The Montpellier prosecutor's office favors the track of suicide. The 77-year-old actor has indeed left on his coffee table three letters, "a letter for his daughter, one for the gendarmes and even a letter to the attention of the tax administration," according to information from the Parisian.

"We love you beyond"

The announcement of the death of Michel Cordes moved all the fans but also and especially the members of the cast of Plus belle la vie who gave the answer to the actor for many years. They were naturally very numerous to pay tribute to him on social networks. And, it is certainly Fabienne Carat, the interpreter of Samir Nasri in the cult soap opera of France 3, who poured out the most on the personality of Michel Cordes, whom she adored.

READ ALSO- "The shutters were closed for two days": the chilling testimony of the neighbors of Michel Cordes, found dead at his home

"Because you loved to laugh, because there was in you this eternal youth of spirit. Because you also shared with us all your experience of life, man and artist. Because you were whole, sensitive and fiery. Because you were the icon of our show, the pillar and the dad of all the actors. Because you loved life so much. Because trials, too many trials degrade too pure hearts, free spirits and benevolent souls, "wrote the actress on her Instagram account. "Because you were a rock, because you passed on to us your passions for words, pottery and authenticity. Because you were passionate, a lover, because I don't believe in it, because I love you and we love you beyond."

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A post shared by FABIENNE CARAT (@fabienne_carat)

Fabienne Carat accompanied this beautiful message with a series of photos where she appears with Michel Cordes and Romane Libert, the little Lucie Boher of Plus belle la vie. Against all odds, the interpreter of Sami Nasri was criticized under the comments of his publication, not by a fan, but by one of his former colleagues: Laurent Kérusoré, who played the role of Thomas, the fictional son of Michel Cordes in the soap opera.

"He would not have liked it," wrote the actor at first before adding: "Sad world". A way to denounce Fabienne Carat's supposed hypocrisy? Laurent Kérusoré did not say more. His message, which suggests tensions between the members of the cast, remains totally open to interpretation...