CAN U17: Senegal as favorite, Algeria on mission for the quarter-finals

The Cubs of Senegal during their victory against Algeria in the first round of the U17 CAN 2023. © Courtesy of CAF

Text by: Ndiasse Sambe Follow

2 min

The quarter-finals of the U17 AFCON are played on Wednesday and Thursday. Senegal, the most impressive team in the first round, will meet South Africa as Algeria, under pressure, face Morocco. Mali-Congo and Nigeria-Burkina complete the picture.


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The king is dead, long live the next king... Cameroon, the defending champions, were pitifully eliminated from the U17 AFCON in the first round in Algeria and left their throne vacant. Other Cubs, from Senegal, are now aiming for the title at the start of the quarter-finals. Like their big A, African champions in January 2022, their elders who won the CHAN in Algeria, and their big brothers U20 also crowned this year, the Senegalese U17s dream of lifting the Cup.

They have the weapons and showed it in the first round with three games, three victories, including a convincing 3-0 against the host country. All with 7 goals scored and none conceded. This Wednesday, May 10 at 16 (UT), the men of Serigne Saliou Dia advance as favorites in front of South Africa, third in Pool B and drafted for these quarterfinals.

Algeria-Morocco, a match like any other?

In the other match on Wednesday, tension could be invited on the pitch with Algeria who will face Morocco (19h). Will the tense relations between the two states, which had caused the forfeit of the Moroccan local team at the last CHAN, be felt on the lawn? Very little chance to believe the Algerian and Moroccan coaches who focus on qualifying for the semi-finals, synonymous with a ticket for the next World Cup. "We expect a tough game. A Maghreb derby that will be played on small details, believes Rezki Remane, coach of the small Fennecs. This is an important event that should not be missed. We want at all costs to qualify for the semi-final, for the U17 World Cup



All meetings between North African teams have a special flavor, they are derbies that are played with great enthusiasm, everyone wants to win, says Said Chiba, guide of the Atlas Cubs. But after all, it's still a football game.


On Thursday, Mali, who have already won the Cup twice, will face Congo (16pm) and Nigeria will play Burkina Faso for the last match of these quarters at 19pm.

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  • CAN
  • Senegal
  • Algeria
  • Morocco
  • Football