The Swedish drag artist Miss Shameless is active in the non-profit organization Drag story Hour Sweden, which works with drag artists who read fairy tales to children, including in libraries.

SD has previously opposed the concept.

"I think it's absolutely insane that 'shameless wine' gets tax money to read fairy tales to children. At least that's my limit," said Jimmie Åkesson during the debate.

Miss Shameless responds to the criticism:

"I have two names. Miss Shameless reads fairy tales to children when I undertake that mission. Then I have another name, Miss Shameless Winehore, when I do adult events. The story times are designed for children and adapted for children.

Jimmie Åkesson does not think that story times are suitable for children, what do you think about that?

I wonder if he has been to any of our story times. I don't think he has been, given all that he claims. The message in the story times is about acceptance, friendship, love and daring to express yourself in the way you want.

Question to the Minister of Culture

In connection with the story times being discussed in the party leader debate, the issue of the Tidö Agreement's provision on arm's length distance, that is, that politicians should not control the content of culture, was raised.

"I wonder what our Minister of Culture Parisa Liljestrand intends to do when arm's length is not maintained. When a party leader walks in and crashes an event like Drag story hour. What will she do now?", says Miss Shameless.

Continuing the work

Miss Shameless and her colleague Lady Busty, who holds story times, have been subjected to extensive threats and hatred since the project was highlighted last autumn. Despite this, Miss Shameless still wants to continue reading stories.

"As long as we have a climate and a party with this terrible view of humanity, I have a mission to make the world a little bigger and more loving with more acceptance and inclusion.

Culture News is looking for Minister of Culture Paria Liljestrand (M).

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Märta Stenevi (MP) and Jimmie Åkesson (SD) on the independence of culture Photo: SVT