Hangzhou, May 5 (Zhongxin Net) -- During May Day, a tourist in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, posted a video saying that his mobile phone fell into West Lake and was picked up by a man with "emergency rescue" written on his clothes asking for 4,1500 yuan. For a time, the topic "tourists were asked for 1500,<> yuan salvage fee for dropping their mobile phones at West Lake" attracted attention.

In response to the situation reflected in the video, on May 5, the Hangzhou West Lake Water Management Office responded that the scenic spot has organized relevant departments to investigate and verify, and it has been preliminarily determined that the salvage personnel appearing in the video are not the staff of the relevant emergency rescue team of the scenic spot, and if there are violations of laws and regulations, they will be dealt with in time.

Response content of Hangzhou West Lake Water Management Office Photo courtesy of Hangzhou West Lake Water Management Office

Over the years, West Lake Scenic Area has been committed to providing tourists with various humanized help and services, once receiving help from tourists, they will use homemade salvage rods and other tools to find ways to salvage for free.

During this year's "May Day" alone, the scenic spot helped tourists salvage more than 30 mobile phones and other items for free. At present, the volunteer service team represented by the "West Lake Lao Ge Team" is also growing, if tourists encounter unexpected situations such as mobile phones falling into the lake when playing by the West Lake, they can ask the nearest scenic area staff or volunteers for help, and the scenic area will immediately send personnel to assist in salvage.

Due to the average water depth of West Lake of more than 2 meters and the deep silt, there is a greater safety risk, and tourists or non-scenic staff are not recommended to go into the water to salvage it. At the same time, the scenic spot also reminds citizens and tourists to take care of their belongings and pay attention to safety while enjoying the beautiful scenery of West Lake. (End)