Despite the coastal regression and drought, Spain has increased the blue flags that will fly this year on its beaches, up to 627, six more than in 2022, which allows it to continue leading this world classification that recognizes the excellence of the waters, the safety of bathers and beach services.

The Association of Environmental and Consumer Education (Adeac), promoter of the initiative, has released on Thursday the total list of the 729 Blue Flags that will look on the coasts, of which 627 will be beaches, 97 for marinas (6 less than 2022) and 5 for sustainable tourist boats (same as 2022).

From these data, the organization also highlights that 15 percent of the beaches with blue badge around the world are in Spain, thus consolidating the leadership in beach flags, followed by Greece and Turkey; Regarding marinas, Spain occupies the third position, only behind Holland and France.

"We are world leaders in tourism. Our coasts and beaches in numerous destinations are known and valued all over the world. The quality and competitiveness of the tourist offer of our beaches is part of that reputation, of our country brand, "said Ana Morillo Rodríguez, Secretary of State for Tourism, who asks at the gates of summer "to dump" in them.

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