Håkan Nesser's company in the low-tax country of Malta was revealed in 2018 and showed how large amounts of money have been transferred from the companies in Malta to Sweden over several years.

In 2018, Nesser replied that he set up the companies while living abroad because it was financially advantageous, and that he was not aware of any errors being made.

"I'm lousy at finances. Others take care of it for me. Which, of course, does not mean that I am free from moral responsibility," he wrote in an email to SVT.

Investigated and prosecuted

After SVT's investigation, the Swedish Tax Agency initiated an investigation into Håkan Nesser's company and in November 2019 he and another person were required to pay almost eight million kronor in residual tax.

In the summer of 2022, Nesser and another person were charged with aggravated tax evasion, and his business advisor with aiding and abetting aggravated tax evasion, as he assisted in the tax returns. Anne-Charlotte Boo, prosecutor at the Swedish Economic Crime Authority, says that it is irrelevant whether Nesser hired someone else to handle his tax returns.

"The defendants have a far-reaching responsibility for submitting correct information to the Swedish Tax Agency, which they are obliged to check themselves.

Denies any wrongdoing

Håkan Nesser denies any wrongdoing, and says in questioning that both the companies in Malta and the dividends to Sweden were made on the advice of his business advisors and that he completely lacked the intention to commit crimes.

"I have no comment until the negotiations are over. Well, by the way, one: We are innocent!", writes Håkan Nesser in an email to SVT.

The business adviser also denies any wrongdoing and knowledge of the millions transferred to Sweden.

The prosecutor believes that all the defendants knew that the companies in Malta were active and that large dividends had been made.

"Annual reports have been signed, dividends have been paid and the money has gone into Swedish accounts. This cannot have escaped any of those involved," she told SVT.

SVT has sought the business advisor.