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Many people understand that the other party in the relationship farts in their presence and there are others who neither understand nor endure it, even if they do. And this has consequences in relationships, in the type of bond, in the satisfaction and quality of them, in the construction of their sexual desire and in how comfortable they are by your side.

For some people, that their partner prefers to explode before releasing their gases accompanied, not only necessary but healthy, is an undeniable lack of trust. On the contrary, for others, it is an unnecessary lack of respect and they would always expel their flatulence in an intimate place and trying that neither the sound nor its aroma reach the ears or noses of the one they love. It is not going to be that an unpleasant aspect is discovered, that perhaps they do not know how to manage, nor does it marry properly with that of awakening passion or that I love myself in the long term.

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One of my mottos is: "You can't live as a guest in your own home." So, let go, let go! like Princess Elsa from the movie Frozen. Doing so could be a good gauge of the couple's state of openness and intimacy.

As Francisco de Quevedo pointed out in his treatise Gracias y desgracias del ojo del culo: "It must be noted that the fart before makes the butt worthy of laudatory that unworthy of it ... It is a cheerful thing, because wherever it is released the laughter goes .... And it is probable that it reaches so much the value of a fart, that it is proof of love; for until two have fallen in bed, I do not have for example the amancebamiento."


The truth is that the first fart always surprises, being able to generate laughter, embarrassment, anger or disgust, but surely it offers a turning point in the relationship. In what sense? How to solve it if necessary?

Paco: "Mari, I didn't know this about you." Mari: "Well, you know, Paco." Both in consultation and among friends (a friend of a friend, you know), I discovered how a flatulence while she slept, during their first night together, aroused an incredible tenderness in him, giving rise to a deeper and closer bond. Also how the quadrupedia, used as a sexual position, offered a somewhat peculiar music and environmental aroma, in a first sexual encounter, which did not prevent it from ending in wedding and two children.

So relax, the world does not end if you escape, and enjoy. But you never know the effect they will have, because not everyone thinks the same. You may never have asked yourself these questions but they could help you become aware of the power of windiness in your sex life: How do they affect your relationships? Is it an important issue as a couple? Is there a before and after the exchange of winds? Which do you think smell worse, theirs or theirs?Do farting benefit sexually?


When we meet someone we try to show our best face, we idealize ourselves without showing 100%. Although you think you are very natural in those first dates, the reality is that you are keeping certain personal aspects, and gases, that you consider not very appropriate for those first meetings. Just like your bad mood may soften or disappear, if you are interested in the person in question, and you can even reserve certain topics for later debates, if things get more.

To fall in love is to project on the other what we expect from him or her. Although it is usually expected a long time to show those small, and perhaps unpleasant, samples of humanity; The infatuation phase, whenever it is reciprocated, can be the best time to laugh with that furtive fart, which travels under the sheet or blanket, while you enjoy your favorite series.

It may be obvious that, with greater bonding, affection and knowledge of the other party, we can show, what we consider our B-side, without fear of disappearing for reasons that are unpleasant. However, in this incipient phase of the relationship, for a purely biochemical issue that offers us illusion, we happily accept many issues that, perhaps in a later, quieter phase, would bother.

But also for understanding that it has taken years to show yourself as you are and how your digestive system feels and works. A couple in consultation, after 10 years of living together, told me that she had not farted in front of him until a year ago, and that made her consider that she no longer cared or desired her husband. He, on the other hand, realized how little he knew his wife, and felt that he had not let himself be carried away until that moment. It made him sad, but far from moving away, he felt that it could be a good time to enrich the love and sexual relationship.


A study claims that smelling partner fart can be good for health. Gtres

The possibility of escapes may stress a little in the first dates and you decide to hide, for now, what you consider to be far from the supposed perfection, which you intuit that the other person expects and is decisive to repeat. Although small imperfections appear, it can make you more accessible, credible and desired. All people have issues that take us away from perfection and that is wonderful; Even more so if we find another person who does not make us feel a disaster, because we are human, without more.

Yes, we should not prejudge others, but let's be honest, we have fears, we hide and it has its logic. In addition to being a necessary human quality for survival, also in the world of dating, discriminating who deserves a second date, or more, has to be resolved in those few hours you share. You are not going to teach everything 'chungo' the first time, as a seduction strategy.

Unless you like him and know he'll like it, of course. Eproctophilia is the fetishism for gases. That is, sexual desire for human flatulence. Either by its smell, its sound or the fact itself of knowing that someone throws it or where. That a winding makes you thanks does not mean that you are eproctophilic, but that it excites you or offers a special pleasure to smell them, maybe yes. It is more common than we think, by the way.

In fact, a study from the University of Exeter, UK, could show that smelling your partner's fart is good for your health, by helping you prevent some diseases; according to one of those responsible, Dr. Mark Wood.


By the way, we are the women who tend to put up with us more, for social but also olfactory reasons. According to Michael Levitt, a gastroenterologist at the University of Minnesota and the world's leading expert on flatulence, those of women would have a higher concentration of hydrogen sulfide than the flatus of men, which causes it to smell worse. I understand that the cyclical nature of female hormones affects this fact. But they would compensate by releasing a greater volume of gas at each wind. So everyone smells bad, either by concentration or by volume, but you will always smell worse than the other. In addition, the smell of your farts is unique, so much so that we could identify you by them. Think about this before you jump into the elevator, they will end up finding you.

Imperfection is natural, the interpretation we give to imperfection is not. Because there are issues that we hide as if they were, but they are part of our health and the proper functioning of our body.

But if it's too much, seek professional help and don't torture your family, please. Being you is what you love the most but, as in any area of your life together, reaching agreements with the couple is necessary. Communicate and determine what you are going to do with your winds, respecting the decisions. A fart may unite more or not, but communication always offers satisfactory results and some laughs.

*ANA SIERRA is a psychologist and sexologist.

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