Ningbo, 5 May (Zhongxin Net) -- The system of marine fishing moratorium in the middle of the season is an important system for the conservation of marine living resources in China. From 1 o'clock on May 5, the East China Sea fully entered the fishing moratorium in the summer season. From 1 o'clock on the same day to 12 o'clock on August 12, single-vessel truss trawls, cage jugs, gill nets, purse seine nets and boat dressing nets will enter the fishing stop.

Except for single-anchor Zhang Gang open nets (sail type open nets), other nets will be closed from 5 o'clock on May 1 to 12 o'clock on August 8; Single-anchor flakes (sail-type nets), trawls and other unlisted marine fishing operations are closed from 16 o'clock on May 12 to 5 noon on September 1.

"The fishing moratorium system in the summer season is very good, allowing the balance of marine ecology and the recovery of fishery resources." In Qifeng Village, a "fishing village" in Fenghua District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, Zhou Nanhu, owner of the "Zhejiang Fengyu 20" boat with nearly 11097 years of "fishing experience", is sorting out the fishing gear on his boat. During the fishing moratorium in the middle of season, he plans to refurbish his fishing boats and look forward to the new fishing season.

Meanwhile, in Shipu Port, located in Xiangshan County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, thousands of fishing boats are connected end to end and enter the summer season to suspend fishing; At Shenjiamen Fishing Port in Putuo District, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, fishing boats arrive in a spectacular sight of masts, fishermen are busy sorting out their nets, and many fishing boats are mooring in the port.

The East China Sea has officially entered a fishing moratorium, and many seafood importers have taken advantage of the opportunity to expand seafood imports.

According to Wu Jiazi, the relevant person in charge of Ningbo Yuantong Overseas Fishery Co., Ltd., the company has imported more than 4 tons of seafood since April, including more than 250 varieties with high consumer acceptance, such as silver pomfrey, striped fish, and cuttlefish, and contacted other exporters, and the imported varieties and quantities will be adjusted according to market reactions in the next few months.

"As more and more imported seafood enters the market, the public's acceptance of imported seafood is also increasing. Imported seafood such as salmon and frozen shrimp has long been a 'regular' on the people's table, and sometimes several 'nationalities' can be eaten in one meal. Wu Jiazi said.

According to Ningbo Customs, in order to further enrich consumers' tables and ensure the orderly supply of imported seafood to the people's livelihood market, Ningbo Customs has set up a "green channel", actively promoted customs clearance facilitation measures such as advance declaration and "two-stage access", and implemented customs clearance supervision services such as on-the-go examination and on-the-go inspection to ensure the rapid customs clearance of seafood. (End)