Solène Delinger 17:13 pm, May 01, 2023, modified at 17:14 pm, May 01, 2023

Invited Monday, May 1, 2023 in "Culture Media" on Europe 1, Line Papin presented her new book, a collection of intimate poems entitled "Après l'amour". The 27-year-old novelist confides in the mourning of her lost love with singer Marc Lavoine. At the microphone of Philippe Vandel, she deplores that she is still presented today as "the ex-wife of".

After going through a very difficult year following her divorce from Marc Lavoine, novelist Line Papin is back on the front of the stage, with a smile on her face. The writing helped her a lot to overcome the grief of her lost love with the singer. After their divorce, the writer wrote down all the emotions that went through her. All these poems can now be read in a collection entitled Après l'amour, a deeply intimate but above all universal work on the theme of the breakup.

"I was there but everything was for him"

Invited to the microphone of Philippe Vandel in Culture Médias this Monday, May 1, 2023 on Europe 1, Line Papin agreed to return to some quotes from his book including this one: "I lost all the material by leaving my life as a wife. I have lost the gifts of the wife, those that a husband makes to his wife, the comfort of the family home, large apartment with marital room, I have lost family holidays, the social status of 'the wife of a powerful man', I no longer have the bows of others, bows addressed to him through me. That's exactly it. I was there but everything was for him and for him through me." This passage, very strong, speaks to many women, emphasized Line Papin. "Do you have the impression, even today, of being 'the wife of?'" asked Philippe Vandel.


Find Philippe Vandel and Culture-Médias every day from 9am to 11am on Europe 1 as well as in replay and podcast here

Women sometimes have the feeling of being "a bias, a funicular to the husband"

"Yes, even today, I am still presented as 'the ex-wife of...'. A qualifier "ethically embarrassing", assured the young woman in Culture Médias before concluding: "What I wanted to illustrate by this chapter The woman crossed is this feeling that women sometimes have of being a bias, a funicular to the husband ...".