Solène Delinger 11:25 am, May 01, 2023

In an interview with the "Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace" Sunday, April 30, 2023, Fabrice Éboué explained why he did not want to participate in the next season of the comedy series "LOL: Who laughs, comes out!". Unlike Blanche Gardin, the comedian, however, refused to criticize Amazon Prime Video, the platform that broadcasts the program.

After Blanche Gardin, it is the turn of Fabrice Éboué to decline the invitation of Amazon Prime Video to participate in LOL: Who, comes out!, the humorous series of Philippe Lacheau. "I was offered to participate in LOL, I said: never in life," said the comedian in an interview with the Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace (DNA). "I wouldn't have felt comfortable on this show. It's not my type of humor and I don't chase money, I make a very good living," explained the director and actor of Case Départ, released in 2011.

Fabrice Éboué refuses to criticize Amazon Prime Video

"I think I'm an artist. There are people who are in entertainment, it's a choice, and there are those who represent the one man show as an artistic entity. I think my job as an artist is to make the best show possible, that's what I want to deliver to people," he said.

READ ALSO- "200,000 euros for a day of work": why Blanche Gardin refuses to participate in "LOL" on Amazon

Unlike Blanche Gardin, with whom he is very close, Fabrice Éboué refuses to type on Amazon Prime Video. "I'm very good friends with Blanche but I have some discrepancies with what she said. My show is on Amazon Prime Video, but whether you're on this broadcaster or another it's the same," he said. "You can choose to be absolute anti-system by doing without broadcasting platforms and okay, but that's not my case. We all need a broadcaster, it's a give-and-take."

Fabrice Éboué, on the other hand, denounces the staggering salaries offered by the platform to participate in the show: "What is the message you convey, the values you transmit to your children?". A criticism that Blanche Gardin had also addressed to Amazon Prime: "It also happens that I would be embarrassed to be paid 200,000 euros for a day of work even if I lose at your game, when the charity of my choice would win, it, 50,000 euros, that is to say 4 times less, and again, only if I win", had written the comedian on his Facebook account.