Archives are the imprint of history and the inheritance of context, and the destruction of an archive is accompanied by the obliteration of a piece of history. In the archives of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, there is such a profession - archival restorer. They use their hands to restore the broken archives, so that those memories that have been sealed by history can be "rediscovered".

Wang Yi, who is over fifty years old, is one of them, he has been working as an archivist for more than 30 years, and he has restored more than one million archives.

【Commentary】Wang Yi introduced that the restoration of each file needs to go through more than ten processes such as dust removal, disinfection, sterilization, handwriting recovery, brushing pulp, backing paper, and drying on the wall.

【Contemporaneous】Archivist Wang Yi

Take that paper, one by one, little by little. And sometimes when you encounter that word, sometimes it has something rotten, and you have to put that word over and over again (right). Sometimes when you drop a small slag, you have to pick it up and put it on little by little. This work has been more than 30 years, and most people can't keep this loneliness.

Although the process of archive restoration is boring and difficult, the archivists including Wang Yi have exchanged their perseverance and perseverance for historical feedback.

【Contemporaneous】Archivist Wang Yi

In 2000, a batch of Japanese archives were discovered from Hailar and buried underground for nearly 50 years. After two years of restoration, more than 19000,<> sheets were finally (successfully) restored. This file bears witness to some criminal evidence of the Japanese invasion of China. After the rescue, it can leave us with historical evidence.

In this silent room, Wang Yi stroked pages of archives and historical dialogue. Although the restoration process was arduous, seeing the broken archives "see the light of day" was passed on, Wang Yi's heart was full of a sense of accomplishment.

【Contemporaneous】Archivist Wang Yi

It's boring to do this job, but after you repair the broken file, you sometimes feel very happy after seeing the results of the repair.

In recent years, Wang Yi has been awarded the honorary title of "Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region May Day Labor Medal" and "Archival Craftsman" of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Now his greatest wish is that his craft can be passed on to the cause of "restoring history".

【Contemporaneous】Archivist Wang Yi

I will retire in two years, and there will be no (inheritors) in the future, and most people don't like to do this job, because this work is a bit too boring, and the average young person is not happy to do it. You have to have a sense of responsibility for the archives in doing this job. Another is your sense of mission in order to pass on this archive.

(Reporting by Chen Feng, Cui Boqun, Hohhot)

Responsible Editor: [Li Ji]