The day after a statement by the Sudanese army confirming the approval of its commander Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan in principle on an initiative submitted by IGAD, and containing proposals to resolve the crisis in Sudan, the Sudanese Foreign Ministry denied – in another statement – the validity of the armed forces' entry into negotiations with the Rapid Support Forces.

The Sudanese Foreign Ministry went on to emphasize in its statement that the Rapid Support Forces have no choice but to surrender or perish, according to the statement. It also noted that the RSF has repeatedly violated the truce currently in force, assaulting lives, property and some diplomatic headquarters.

Speaking to the program "Beyond the News" (2023/4/27), Sudanese writer and political researcher Mohammed Torshin said that international moves resulted in a unified initiative represented by IGAD, indicating that the armed forces announced their initial agreement to negotiate with the Rapid Support, but the Sudanese Foreign Ministry quickly denied this.

He explained that this contradiction in the position indicates that there are roles that the Foreign Ministry has been playing with the Sudanese army in light of different positions in order to read the scene and the reactions of the international community and the Rapid Support Forces. In a second reading, he predicted that there would be a disparity within the military establishment and the Foreign Ministry, so it would be in the army's interest to continue the war and rely on the military option.

Ending hostilities

Former US ambassador to Sudan Timothy Carney said IGAD's initial efforts were to launch a mediation mission in mid-April with the presidents of Djibouti and Sudan, explaining that there were efforts to expand the truce brokered by the US and Saudi Arabia.

He added that there is a general consensus by the international community on the need to end the conflict in Sudan, hoping that IGAD's efforts will be supported by a large number of interested countries in this regard, and that it will be a good step towards ending the conflict.

It is noteworthy that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed on Thursday evening his hope to receive more information on the extension of the truce in Sudan in the coming hours. The US State Department also announced earlier that Blinken discussed cooperation to end the fighting in Sudan with African Union Commission Chairman Moussa Faki, who in turn discussed the issue with the European special envoy for the Horn of Africa.

African House

Writer and political analyst Ajo Lul said that the South Sudan initiative for the Sudanese parties stems from the African initiative to solve African problems among themselves, stressing that this initiative has found international support because it calls for peace and an end to conflict in all African countries.

The Sudanese army statement confirmed that IGAD's proposals include extending the truce for an additional 72 hours; the initiative also includes sending representatives of the armed forces and the Rapid Support Forces to Juba to negotiate.

It is noteworthy that the Sudanese Foreign Ministry said that there is no truth to the entry of the armed forces into negotiations with the Rapid Support Forces, the day after the army announced the approval of its commander Burhan - in principle - on the IGAD initiative to resolve the Sudanese crisis.

For its part, the RSF said it welcomes all initiatives, but needs a real initiative, according to the political adviser to its commander.

These developments coincide with UN, US, European and African moves to stop the fighting in Sudan.