Since the expansion of the cross-strait "mini three links" passenger route to all Taiwan people and mainland spouses in transit for the full moon, the Xiamen-Jinjin route has transported an average of more than 1500,<> passengers per day. After three years, many young people in Taiwan took the "mini three links" passenger route to the mainland to reunite with friends, and exchanges became more and more popular.

On the evening of April 4, the 25th and first offline forum of the China Straits Research Institute was held in the Xiamen Cross-Strait Youth Heart Home, where well-known current affairs commentators from both sides of the Taiwan Strait communicated face-to-face for the first time since the epidemic to learn from each other and imagine the future.

Fan Jiangfeng, vice president of the Xiamen Association of Taiwan Compatriots and chairman of the Youth Committee

When people face to face, the expression of his emotions is the most real, and we have met since ancient times, if through this kind of online communication, on the one hand, it is actually easy to be inattentive, and it is easy to be distracted, and can not really achieve the expression of meaning. If we communicate offline, we can hug, we can have dinner together, we can do a lot of activities together.

【During the same period】Wang Bingzhong, a well-known current affairs commentator in Taiwan

Let Taiwan's young people feel that how we want to come to the mainland to develop, how to integrate into such a vast market as the mainland, there are entrepreneurial mentors of Taiwanese youth to lead the way, so I think everyone in different positions to do their part, especially their own expertise, then they are all towards the same goal, that is, to make the two sides of the strait more integrated development.

In addition to the exchange of academic views, study visits are also the main form of interaction between young people on both sides of the strait. Visit Gulangyu Island, board the "Jiageng" marine science comprehensive research ship, and enjoy Nanyin Yayun. The 5-day Xiamen University 2023 Cross-Strait Young Students Cultural Study Camp was recently successfully concluded at Xiamen University. More than 80 students from both sides of the strait talked about growth and exchanges through on-site visits and classes.

【During the same period】Golden Gate University student Lin Yuxin

When I entered school, I happened to encounter the epidemic, and then, I originally planned to come here for exchange and exchange, but now I am a junior and have been trapped (by the epidemic) for three years, so as soon as the news came out, I immediately applied, and I quickly asked my classmates whether to go like this together.

【During the same period】 Que Boyan, a student at Ming Chuan University in Taiwan

Like Xiamen (University), you know that it is actually a school with a good reputation, and then come here in person and feel that it is true, that is, it includes landscape construction, and then the people here are also very good and kind.

【Commentary】This camp is the largest exchange activity for Taiwan college students held by Xiamen University after three years of the epidemic, and the teacher led by Taiwan students told reporters that the students signed up enthusiastically and couldn't wait to come to the mainland for exchanges.

【During the same period】Kinmen University led the teacher Lin Daihun

In terms of transportation, it is actually very convenient, we through the "mini three links", then I think that students on both sides of the strait may be talking about how to talk about it, that is, the knowledge obtained from books, or it is not as good as they can go to this land to do some exchanges and observations, that is, an activity between everyone, it is better and more appropriate.

【Commentary】More than 50 students from Kinmen University and Ming Chuan University participated in this camp together with more than 20 students from Xiamen University, and they got along day and night, getting to know each other and exchange knowledge within a week.

Friends have never been lonely, a friend you will understand, there are still injuries, and pain, and I have to go, and me.

Reporter Li Siyuan reported from Xiamen, Fujian

Responsible Editor: [Li Ji]