Shanwei, April 4 -- Tracing the footprints of coast guard martyr Wang Xiaolong: A steel sea frontier guard

China News Network reporter Fang Weibin

At the end of April, it was rainy and rainy in Shanwei, Guangdong, and a reporter from visited the urban workstation of the Shanwei Coast Guard Bureau in Guangdong, where he traced the footprints of coast guard martyr Wang Xiaolong before his death.

In the early morning of March 3 this year, in the course of carrying out an anti-smuggling mission at sea, Wang Xiaolong fought bravely and bravely in the face of extremely vicious criminals, and finally died heroically. At the urban workstation of the Shanwei Coast Police Bureau, where Wang Xiaolong worked before his death, reporters can still see and feel the imprints he left behind.

Walking into Wang Xiaolong's bedroom, his wardrobe is orderly, his bed is neat and tidy, and everything is still intact.

Wang Xiaolong managed logistics before his death (data map) Guangdong Coast Guard Photo courtesy

"Every time Xiaolong takes leave to go out, he will go to the vegetable market to see how much difference there is between the price and the delivery to the workstation." Wang Xiaolong's colleague Zhu Zhouzhou told reporters that Wang Xiaolong manages the food and barracks, is responsible for the "eating, drinking, and Lasa" of his colleagues in the coast guard, and is a veritable "big housekeeper."

Zhuzhou said that Wang Xiaolong's concern about the price of vegetables is that he hopes that every cent of food expenses will be spent on the blade. According to reports, Wang Xiaolong's logistics business level is very famous in the sub-bureau, especially the bills and vouchers of different sizes, and the yards are neat, as if a knife has been cut. Because of his excellent business ability and high standard of ledgers, in 2020, the Guangdong Coast Guard specially organized logistics business visits and study activities with him as a model.

In his daily work, Wang Xiaolong takes the lead in everything. According to Zhu Zhouzhou's recollection, when Wang Xiaolong coordinated the logistics work, he first did it himself, understood the difficulty of the work, and then made overall arrangements for the specific division of labor. It is precisely because of his heavy sense of responsibility in his work and his hands-on approach to everything that he has been recognized by his colleagues. At the beginning of 2022, he was appointed as the head of the service detachment of the Shanwei Coast Guard.

In the reading room of the urban workstation of the Shanwei Coast Guard, Yu Hua, the station manager, took out a diary of Wang Xiaolong. Open it and the earliest records date back to 2015. Wang Xiaolong recorded his feelings about work and life in a notebook, bit by bit and accumulated. Because he kept a diary all year round, his handwriting became more and more beautiful.

In the diary, the reporter felt that he was a straightforward, loved work, loved life, often missed his family, and helped others. Because he likes to read, he often has reading notes in his diary. Yu Hua said that Wang Xiaolong is particularly keen on reading, has a strong thirst for knowledge, and often talks about "if you don't fight, you won't win".

Wang Xiaolong (center) revisits the oath of joining the party before his death as a member of the detachment (data map) Courtesy of Guangdong Coast Guard

In the eyes of his colleague Zhu Zhouzhou, Wang Xiaolong is a warm man, and he often helps others at workstations. At the beginning of his entry into the police, Xu Baobao was assigned to the Shanwei Coast Police Bureau, and at first he was not familiar with life and was ignorant. Wang Xiaolong talked to him many times, pulled him to participate in basketball games, watched movies, and even stood with him on the night whistle. Especially in a sea arrest operation, Xu Baobao witnessed Wang Xiaolong bravely capturing the suspect regardless of his life and danger, which brought him a great shock.

Wang Xiaolong's story of helping others is much more than that. Take the lead in donating, organize skills competitions between new and old comrades, learn from each other and enhance feelings...

"No matter how thick the armor is, it is useless, and the scar is hard to defend yourself." This is a sentence from Wang Xiaolong's diary. No matter what he does, he is fully focused and fully committed.

It is precisely with this spirit of not admitting defeat and daring to work hard that Wang Xiaolong has successively participated in special law enforcement actions at sea such as "Clean Sea", "Mongoose Hunting" and "Blue Sea", participated in the handling of hundreds of cases of various kinds, arrested more than 500 suspects of violations and crimes, seized 95 ships involved in the case, and seized materials worth hundreds of millions of yuan, becoming a first-class all-round law enforcement officer with strong strength and courage. (End)