Solène Delinger 12:52pm, April 25, 2023

This Tuesday, April 25, 2023, France 2 broadcasts the documentary "Thomas Pesquet: objective France". The opportunity to learn a little more about the astronaut who spent nearly a year in space. When he is on Earth, Thomas Pesquet enjoys his beautiful love story with Anne Mottet, his long-time companion. However, the couple never had children...

Unpublished images. This Tuesday, April 25, 2023, France 2 broadcasts Thomas Pesquet: objective France, a new documentary on the astronaut's two missions to the International Space Station (ISS). During his journey of more than a year in space, Thomas Pesquet took no less than 250,000 photos of the Earth. Since he set foot on our blue planet again, the astronaut has rediscovered the pleasure of spending time with Anne Mottet, his long-time companion. If they are still in love, Thomas Pesquet and his sweetheart do not live together and do not wish to have children.

"Astronaut is an all-consuming passion"

In an interview with the Parisian Week-end in 2021, Thomas Pesquet explained that he had "never had so much time", nor "the irrepressible desire" to have offspring. And his job never really allowed him to consider it. "It's not an ideal job for the family (...) Being an astronaut is an all-consuming passion. I work all day and in the evening too," he told Le Parisien. On weekends, I do sports, which is also a bit of a part of the job. It is a profession that contaminates everything. It is easy to get absorbed and the family then goes second, unfortunately. I think you have to try to take full advantage of it between missions and make time for your loved ones, otherwise, the ties are loosened."

When he is in space, Thomas Pesquet tries to communicate as much as possible with Anne Mottet. "Everyone makes a little phone calls in the evening (editor's note: on board the ISS). There is always one who is on the phone on the 6 or 7 of the crew because there is family, friends, special occasions, things like that, "had explained the astronaut to the Parisian.

Anne Mottet is also very busy

For her part, Anne Mottet is also very busy and her long-distance relationship with Thomas Pesquet suits her very well. She is responsible for livestock policies at FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, based in Rome. "She works to save the world, develops crops resistant to climate change," Thomas Pesquet, very proud of his wife, told Libération in 2017. When they meet, Anne Mottet and Thomas Pesquet take full advantage of multiplying walks in the forest and small escapades to the sea. The couple, who live at a hundred per hour, seem to have found the perfect balance...