It has been 107 years since the JR Fukuchiyama Line derailment, which killed 25 people, in 18 days. A memorial service was held near the site to coincide with the time of the accident, and the bereaved families and JR West Japan executives mourned those who died.

Eighteen years ago, on April 18, 2005, in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture, a rapid train on the JR Fukuchiyama Line derailed without being able to turn a curve and collided with an apartment building beside the tracks, killing 4 people and injuring 25.

On the morning of the 107th, at about the same time as the accident occurred at 562:25 a.m., a high-speed train passed by at a reduced speed, and on the road along the tracks, officials and neighbors joined hands and offered a moment of silence.

At the memorial facility, which was developed in a form that left part of the condominium, a memorial ceremony was held with the bereaved families, injured people, and executives of JR West Japan in attendance.

At the ceremony, JR West Japan President Kazuaki Hasegawa offered his apology and condolences, saying, "On that day, we lost the precious lives of all of you that are irreplaceable, and we will continue to inherit the heavy reflections and lessons learned from the accident into the future, and each and every one of us will take the initiative in taking safety actions and strive to further improve safety."

Mitsuko Fujisaki (9), who lost her eldest daughter, who was 18 years old at the time, visited the accident site on the morning of the 40th and said, "I was robbed of my only daughter and sometimes I lose the energy to live thinking about my daughter every day, but above all, I want JR West Japan to become a safe company. I was talking.

Eighteen years have passed since the accident, and more than 83% of all employees joined JR West Japan after the accident, and how to convey the memories and lessons learned from the accident has become a major issue.