A few days ago, the Beijing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau once again clarified that from January 2024, 1, illegal electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles are not allowed to drive on the road, and are not allowed to park in public places such as roads, squares, and parking lots.

Are the users of these vehicles prepared for the illegal "old age walking cars" to stop and enter the countdown? How to meet the transportation needs of the elderly? In the era of intelligence, how to make the elderly travel without being left behind?

There are still some "old-age walking cars" on the road

The Beijing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau stressed that the vast majority of "old-age walking cars" currently on the road are illegal electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles. These three- and four-wheeled motor vehicles that are produced without the permission of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, are not listed in the "Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products", whose vehicle performance does not meet motor vehicle safety technical standards, and that use electric drive to carry passengers or goods, are all within the scope of withdrawal.

The reporter recently visited and found that on Beijing's community roads and urban arterial roads, you can still see "old-time walking cars" speeding by. On the morning of April 4, the reporter saw at the entrance of a vegetable market in Dongcheng District that more than a dozen "old-time walking cars" were parked near the entrance of the vegetable market. None of these electric three- or four-wheelers have license plates, and some have the words "for picking up children" and "for hospital pick-up" posted on the rear windows.

During the interview, many elderly people said that they had known that the illegal "old era walking car" would be banned from driving on the road. "I mainly use this car near home, and if I go far away, I will still take the bus and subway." Uncle Lin, 65, who lives in Dongcheng District, bought an "old-time walking car" two years ago and cost about 8000,<> yuan. He said a compliant e-bike would be replaced.

Another car owner, Uncle Wu, said that his car is mainly used to transport his granddaughter to school, "Two or three kilometers from home to school, this distance is much more convenient with 'old-time walking cars' than cars." ”

The reporter visited and found that in many electric vehicle sales stores, illegal electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles are no longer sold. However, the reporter called the sales telephone attached to some "old era walking cars" to consult, and there were still merchants who said that such scooters could still be purchased. A salesperson at a car shop told reporters: "At present, those who claim to be able to get license plates are decks. Most consumers who buy 'old age walkers' are also aware of the violation, but they are more concerned about the actual needs of the moment. ”

In addition, the reporter saw on multiple e-commerce platforms that electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles with the title of "old era walking cars" are still sold in large quantities. When the reporter consulted, the customer service staff said that multiple brands of electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles can still be shipped in Beijing and can be "sold with a license".

There are many potential safety hazards and it is difficult to supervise

The Beijing traffic management department said that the illegal "old era walking cars" generally lack basic safety technology and configuration, the performance cannot be guaranteed, and there are great risks in driving on the road. Since the purchase of cars does not require review, elderly drivers are mostly and do not need a driver's license, these vehicles drive on the road, and traffic regulations are difficult to restrict.

According to statistics, in 2022, there were 131 illegal electric three- and four-wheeler traffic accidents in Beijing, with more than <> deaths. The traffic management department combed through the traffic accidents in recent years and found that electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles have low vehicle safety factors, drivers driving illegally and arbitrarily, seriously affecting traffic order, etc., and accidents often have serious consequences.

"'Old Era Walking Bikes' are parked indiscriminately, driving on the road, driving in the opposite direction, illegal operation, illegal modification, overcrowding and overloading, drunk driving, and driving without a license and license, etc., in violation of traffic laws such as the Road Traffic Safety Law and the Implementation Regulations of the Road Traffic Safety Law." Lei Jiamao, a lawyer at Hebei Hounuo Law Firm, told reporters.

A typical case recently released by the China Court Network shows that some sellers conceal the fact that such cars are actually motor vehicles for the sake of profit, luring some consumers to buy without knowing it. "The production and sales market of 'old-age walking cars' is chaotic, and the market is full of inferior cars, which are more likely to cause traffic accidents." Lei Jiamao said.

In fact, as early as July 2021, Beijing has jointly issued a circular that prohibits the production and sale of illegal electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles within the city, and sets a transition period for illegal electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles purchased before the issuance of the notice, which ends on December 7, 2023. At present, this transition period is nearing its end.

Make travel more convenient and safer for the elderly

While retiring illegal old-age walking bikes, how to make travel more convenient and safer for the elderly?

By inquiring about the city's electric bicycle sales store directory released by the Beijing Traffic Management Bureau, the reporter called a car shop in Haidian District, and the clerk told the reporter that illegal electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles can be recycled or replaced with compliant vehicles. "The specific amount of recovery depends on the condition of the car, about 1000,65 yuan. For the regular electric bicycles sold in stores, the elderly under the age of <> can directly purchase the license card with their ID card. ”

"Replace compliant three-wheeled motorcycles and license insurance, compliant electric four-wheeled vehicles belong to pure electric vehicles in new energy vehicles, and the requirements for licensing, purchase, and driving on the road need to refer to new energy vehicles." The person in charge of the car shop said.

In the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Illegal Electric Three- and Four-wheeled Vehicles" issued by the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau and other five departments, the handling methods for the sale and riding of illegal electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles are clarified. Compliant vehicles that have obtained the factory certificate of motor vehicles at the factory and included in the "Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products" can still apply for license insurance and drive on the road.

In addition to the need to pay attention to the personal use of electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles, electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles used in postal delivery, landscaping, sanitation and other work are also in the scope of management of the Circular, that is, the relevant competent departments should formulate management measures for the use of their respective industries, strengthen daily management during the transition period, and replace all legal vehicles after the transition period.

Lei Jiamao suggested: "Increase public transportation facilities and tools suitable for the elderly to travel to facilitate the travel of the elderly; Standardize the production and sales market of electric bicycles to ensure the safety and quality of mobility vehicles for the elderly; In addition, increase publicity and popularization of the law among the elderly, and enhance the awareness of traffic safety and safe and civilized travel of the elderly. ”

Zhou Ziyuan