The Syrian issue is the tragedy of a people that is still moving from suffering to suffering, and it is a thorny and confusing file that several countries suffer from as it lacks a firm will to end it, and many approaches and convergences come as interim steps and as a matter of dealing with the current as it is until the hour of resolution comes and the file is addressed in an integrated manner away from linking it to other issues and conflicts, most notably the war between Russia and Ukraine.

I tried to assess the situation of the Syrian issue and extrapolate it from the point of view of artificial intelligence, which is a rich experience that may open the door to comparisons between the two intelligences and their effects, and the consequences of employing artificial intelligence in evaluation and decision-making, and here are the questions and answers from "CHAT GPT".

Are Security Council resolutions that avoided Chapter VII on Syria consistent with UN principles? Was it the best formula to protect human rights and preserve lives and property in Syria?

Opinion can differ on the extent to which Security Council resolutions on Syria are consistent with UN principles and human rights, depending on personal outlook and interpretation.

It is important to note that Security Council resolutions on Syria have been influenced by several factors, including international relations, geopolitical events, and strategic interests.

In general, the Security Council aims to protect international peace and security, and this may require difficult and disputed decisions, and this may sometimes contradict human rights principles, especially if the conflict involves violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.

However, the Security Council must act in a balanced and harmonious manner with the principles of the United Nations and human rights, and act in a manner that preserves international peace and security without sacrificing the fundamental values and principles of the international Organization.

Security Council resolutions on Syria were adopted after long and numerous discussions and were carefully coordinated to strike the required balance between the protection of international peace and security and the fulfilment of human rights requirements.

It is possible that these decisions were not the best formula to protect human rights and prevent further damage in Syria, but they were the possible formula at the time to meet interests and demands.

Regenerate the answer.

It is important to look at the legal framework and basic principles that guide the Security Council's decision-making process, including human rights principles and the protection of lives and property in Syria.

Not resorting to Chapter VII of Security Council resolutions on Syria means that the Council chooses not to resort to the use of force, but rather works to find peaceful solutions and encourage all parties concerned to abide by UN principles and human rights.

Such solutions could include monitoring, verifying the human rights situation, providing humanitarian assistance and encouraging dialogue and negotiation among the parties concerned.

It is difficult to judge exactly whether Security Council resolutions on Syria are better drafted or not, as such resolutions require consideration of many different factors and need a comprehensive assessment of their long-term outcome.

It is important that the Security Council and the international community work comprehensively to resolve the Syrian crisis and end the severe human suffering inflicted on the Syrian people.

You say the following: "The resolutions adopted by the Security Council on Syria are controversial and need to be thoroughly analyzed and assessed", do we consider that the results on the ground of those resolutions require a review of those resolutions in order to achieve the purpose of the Charter of the United Nations and the objectives for which the Security Council was established?

Yes, of course, the decisions adopted by the Security Council must always be re-evaluated and the results on the ground and the actual impact of those decisions must always be considered.

The Security Council and the international community at large should constantly consider the situation on the ground and the humanitarian situation in Syria and assess the results of the decisions it takes.

Humanitarian objectives, human rights and international legitimacy must be the primary factors that determine the steps to be taken to achieve peace and stability in Syria and to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Syrian people.

According to my answer, do you think that more firm and committed steps must be taken towards enforcing accountability for crimes committed, violations and crimes against humanity documented by UN institutions?

Yes, certainly more resolute and committed steps must be taken towards enforcing accountability for crimes committed, violations and crimes against humanity documented through UN institutions.

The international community must take all necessary measures to ensure that accountability for these crimes is enforced, and that those responsible are held accountable.

The Security Council and the international community at large must shoulder their responsibility and provide the necessary support and resources to enable UN institutions to carry out their tasks and duties, and facilitate justice and redress processes in Syria and around the world.

The International Criminal Court, national courts and other transitional justice and accountability institutions must be provided with all necessary capabilities and support.

UN institutions and relevant organizations must also work with the Syrian government and all concerned parties in Syria to achieve justice and accountability and ensure the protection of human rights and justice for victims.

Do you consider that the overall UN response to the Syrian issue, given its results in terms of achieving justice and ending suffering, requires serious consideration of moving to the accreditation of representatives of states in the United Nations and the Security Council from ministries of justice and not from ministries of foreign affairs?

Arguably, the use of UN state representatives from ministries of justice rather than foreign ministries may help to increase attention to human rights and justice, as such representatives can be more focused on these issues and more suited to participate in processes related to human rights and international justice.

However, it must be borne in mind that achieving justice and ending the suffering in Syria requires significant international efforts, including a strong commitment from UN Member States and the international community at large and significant cooperation between international institutions and human rights and justice NGOs.

In addition, existing mechanisms for justice and accountability for crimes committed in Syria, including international courts, national courts, and independent commissions, must also be strengthened and strengthened.

States must cooperate fully and effectively with these mechanisms to achieve justice, accountability and end the suffering in Syria.

How do you expect the fate of the Syrian file to be if the representatives of countries to the United Nations and the Security Council take it over from the ministries of justice and not from the ministries of foreign affairs?

The assumption of a more effective role by state delegates to the United Nations and the Security Council from the ministries of justice in the Syria file, where the main priority will be justice, truth and accountability, not the political or economic interests of states.

This could improve the chances of finding a lasting solution to the conflict in Syria and ending the country's worsening human suffering, and it is important that the potential consequences of such a move are assessed and the impact on the international level is studied.

Do you consider that the results achieved in terms of ending the suffering of the Syrian people, implementing justice and protecting human rights are commensurate with the efforts of taxpayers in the various countries that contributed to the donation to the Syrian people, given the results achieved on the ground in terms of ending the suffering, achieving justice and empowering human rights?

With regard to this question, we can say that the results achieved with regard to ending the suffering of the Syrian people, achieving justice and protecting human rights are still limited and not fully commensurate with the efforts and donations made.

Despite the international efforts and assistance provided to the Syrian people, the humanitarian situation in Syria remains a major challenge, and it is important to work to strengthen international efforts to find political and diplomatic solutions that end the conflict and enable the Syrian people to live in dignity and security.

Are there any useful recommendations in this direction?

Certainly, there are several recommendations that can be followed to strengthen the efforts of the international community in achieving justice and protecting human rights in Syria, including:

  • Increase material and humanitarian support for humanitarian efforts in Syria, including the provision of medical, food, and shelter assistance to affected civilians.
  • Support international efforts to achieve justice and accountability for crimes committed in Syria, which can be achieved through the establishment of an international tribunal for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Syria.
  • Work to end the ongoing conflict in Syria through a comprehensive and legitimate political solution that achieves the demands of the Syrian people and preserves the unity and sovereignty of the country.
  • Encourage the international community to provide adequate support for the security and military aspects of joint international efforts to maintain security and stability in Syria.
  • Motivate donor countries and companies to invest in the reconstruction of Syria and the development of the Syrian economy to support sustainable stability in the country.
  • Improving the institutional capacities and technical modernization of Syrian governmental and civil institutions, to enable them to better carry out their vital duties.
  • Focus on protecting the most vulnerable communities in Syria, including women, children and refugees, and strengthen efforts to combat sexual violence, discrimination and exploitation against them.

What is to be expected if international interaction remains the same and stalls with regard to the Syrian file?

If the international response remains the same and there is no fundamental change in approach, the situation in Syria may continue to slide into further chaos, violence and humanitarian deterioration.

The Syrian crisis could continue for years to come without a clear solution to the conflict, and massive displacement, human rights violations and crimes against humanity could continue.

In this context, the humanitarian and economic situation may deteriorate further, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in Syria and its impact on the entire region.