Guilin, April 4, 21 Guilin "2023·4 Li River Protection Day" series of activities - the opening ceremony of the first batch of pure electric power sightseeing rafts in Guilin Li River Scenic Area was held on the 25th at Yangdi Wharf, Yangshuo County, Guilin City, Guangxi Province.

According to reports, 30 newly built pure electric power sightseeing rafts on the beautiful Li River wave by wave, pure electric power sightseeing raft navigation noise less than 65 decibels, very quiet and comfortable, tourists can comfortably hear the sound of the river flowing when riding, and do not produce exhaust emissions and oil dripping, can greatly protect the ecological environment of the Li River, enhance the sense of sightseeing experience.

The first batch of pure electric sightseeing rafts in Guilin's Li River Scenic Area set sail, marking that Li River tourism has officially entered the new energy era, and also marks that the comprehensive management of Li River protection has entered a new stage. After the pure electric sightseeing raft is put into operation, it will be simultaneously incorporated into the unified ticketing system for scientific, legal and standardized management, forming a new trend of sustainable development that organically combines environmental, social and economic benefits, and further polishing the golden signboard of "Guilin Landscape and Water Jia World".

The picture shows the first batch of pure electric power sightseeing rafts in the Li River Scenic Area of Guilin setting sail at Yangdi Wharf. Photo by Wang Xu

In recent years, Guilin Li River Scenic Area has put ecological protection in the first place, continued to make efforts to improve the application of new energy for Li River cruise ships and sightseeing rafts, and promoted the high-quality development of Li River protection with innovation. On the basis of the construction of the first five-star new energy cruise ship in Guangxi, taking the construction of the digital Li River 5G integrated ecological protection and utilization comprehensive platform project as a favorable opportunity, actively building a pure electric power tour raft and improving the Li River tourism order supervision ability as the "two wings", accelerate the formation of a green and low-carbon tourism mode and lifestyle of the Li River, and jointly protect the landscape of Guilin with clear water, shallow bottom of fish, flocks of egrets, and harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

In the next step, Guilin Lijiang Scenic Area will continue to take new steps in continuously promoting green development, accelerate the construction of 1200,<> pure electric power rafts, gradually improve the construction of corresponding raft equipment, power systems, charging systems and other supporting facilities, give full play to the new advantages of pure electric power tour rafts such as environmental protection, quietness and comfort, completely eliminate gasoline-powered rafts with high energy consumption and high noise, fully promote the transformation and development of Li River tourism, enhance independent innovation capabilities, and fully realize the "green tour" of the Li River. Let green become the "happy background" of the Li River to protect the high-quality development, and create the best ecological environment for the construction of Guilin's world-class tourism city. (End)