Russia is completely isolated. No one in the world wants to communicate with her and is no longer going to have any business. Everyone adheres to the correct, that is, Western, point of view, which is perceived as the ultimate truth. Like the law. Any doubt is tantamount to a crime.

That's right. Only such a "world" turned out to be very, very small, like the kingdom of the Lilliputians. It's good to be in illusions and dreams, just don't leave the room, out of your vacuum, so as not to be shocked. And keep a close eye on Powell's test tube, which swings in your hands and puts you to sleep.

The real world appeared huge and diverse. Dizzying, especially in relation to the Western democratic splint. For some, it is terrible: the inhabitants of the "earthly paradise", frightened by open spaces, suddenly felt surrounded by besieging savages. It seems that this is how the shy Borrell formulated it.

The sleep of reason and the thick minced meat of stereotypes and prejudices give rise to monsters wandering in the labyrinth of the Western framework of a rigidly regulated reality, which rests on the very fear that salvation is only within the closed flask, and unbridled chaos is outside it.

But it is as if the fog with which everything around was shrouded has evaporated, and the world recognizes itself anew. He is surprised and happy, feels his dignity. This is multipolarity.

Its real embodiment is the tour of the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Sergei Lavrov, to the countries of Latin America. Before that, there was Africa, despite the most severe pressure from the former colonialist regimes, which frightened and intimidated.

Insulation. They wanted to make Russia an outcast, an outcast country. And after all, everything turned out in the optics of unipolar dogmas that became a totalitarian religion. But in reality, something went wrong, and this is completely predictable.

Do you know what is the fundamental difference between the position of the US-centric West, demonstrating its bankruptcy, and the approach defended by Russia?

The same Latin American tour of Lavrov is interpreted on the "bright" side of the planet as an attempt to create an anti-Western front. Everything is like this: either black or white. Whoever is not with us is against us and the axis of evil. They imagine the world split into two parts. They scare themselves with horror stories that Putin is winning and taking continent after continent away from the States. Without the prism of this logic, nothing is perceived. Hence all the problems.

This is because this is how they see it, so ideologically formed their optics, based on the principles of exclusivity, and another critical view has completely atrophied. They take their order for an absolute given and the law of the universe. Any attempt to question it is seen as a manifestation of insanity.

Fear and trembling are the chain that holds vassals at their feet.

And now let's remember the time before the start of the Russian special operation. Russia's proposals on security guarantees. At that time, many options were discussed for how our country would respond if its proposals were ignored. In particular, the factor of Latin America was mentioned, which supposedly could be used to burn in the immediate vicinity of the United States.

Then this version was crossed out by the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, who categorically dispelled the illusion of Russian bases near the American borders. The meaning of this approach is that Russia is not going to use certain countries for its own purposes, manipulate them, make them hostages of its sharp "dialogue" with the United States. It is not at all necessary for us to create territories of chaos, not a game of thimbles with the apocalypse.

This is the fundamental difference between our approach and the American one. Russia does not assemble a coalition, does not tie others to dictate its will or simply substitute. He does not look down from above, but sees equals. Maybe because she never suffered from racism, but, on the contrary, spoke out against injustice.

Relations on an equal footing are multipolarity. And in this relationship, there is no need for an intermediary in the form of a self-appointed hegemon. This is one of the main messages of Sergey Lavrov's tour.

The fact that "multipolarity is the imperative of the times," he said in Nicaragua. In Cuba, he called for "mobilizing countries" that reject Western dictates "to work together in favor of the formation of a multipolar world order in full compliance with the UN Charter." He called not for confrontation, but for the protection and defense of one's own interests, for mutual assistance. In Venezuela, he declared the need for cooperation on principles "independent of whims and blackmail" from the West, which is extremely unpredictable in its promises and obligations. He noted "the common desire to contribute to the formation of a more just, truly democratic, polycentric world order."

This is how the legendary Comandante Che appears in a beret with a star, uniting the rebels. Well, what - revolutionary times from the point of view of world architecture. The crippled system of the American Tower of Babel has outlived its usefulness and is crumbling before our eyes. Therefore, not to break, but to build. Correct mistakes made after the bloc confrontation of systems is a thing of the past.

Then this victory was stolen. They appropriated and usurped, but it turned out that the usurpers remained captive to the very confrontational logic that is already eating away at them.

Now, as Sergey Lavrov noted during a visit to Cuba, "the United States has declared a crusade against Russia." Otherwise, they cannot - only create territories of chaos, provoke conflicts and drag chestnuts from such fire. This is the logic of arbitrariness - unipolar, which does not tolerate any objections. It turned out that all these are decorations, crumbling, created by the very sleep of the mind. Russia awakened, showing that the usurper is naked.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.