• In Madrid A Catholic music festival brings together this Saturday Andy and Lucas, Carlos Baute and Hakuna Group Music in Madrid

Last Saturday Andy and Lucas took the stage mounted in the Madrid square of Cibeles as part of the Catholic festival 'The Feast of the Resurrection', organized by the Catholic Association of Propagandists. And now, in an interview with Europa Press, they have also been open to participating in Gay Pride if they received the call, although they would refuse to do so if EH Bildu calls them.

"If they call us at Gay Pride we go too. We make music. Another thing is that he calls me Bildu. If Bildu calls me I will not go, they are ETA and they have killed people, "Lucas answers sharply in an interview when asked about the concert in which they participated last Saturday, in which other artists such as singer Carlos Baute or the group Hakuna Group Music participated.

In this context, the artist wanted to make it clear that the musical group is not of any political color, but "tasteless". "If the answer is from which political party is Andy and Lucas: insipid," replied the Cadiz.

At the same time, he has rejected labels about personal tastes, beliefs or sensibilities, assuring that they are "nobody's". "If you go with Catholics you are right-wing or ultra-right. If you go with gays you are ultra-left. We belong to no one. We are our homeland. My flag is my son," Lucas adds.

There have been numerous artists who have lent themselves to collaborate on a compilation album, their latest release. Among them, Lérica, Abraham Mateo or Los Rebujitos, and, although they recognize that they would have loved to have some more, on the album "there are those who had to be".

"The album is a tribute to us, to our fans, to our career. And those who have been... blessed glory for them," says Andy, who is excited about the work done.

"Ups and downs since 2003"

Since 2003, Andy and Lucas have not separated or stopped composing songs, although they do admit that they have had "ups and downs" more on the personal side than professional, although they consider themselves people with "a lot of luck", says Andy.

For his part, Lucas explains that over time he has learned to relativize "problems". Of course, he assures that long ago he did suffer "real sorrows". "Nowadays if I have a little bit of a downturn it is because I have not rested well or because one weekend I have hit it and, as we are 40 years old, the hangover lasts five days," he explains with a laugh.

Despite the events, concerts, promotions and personal life, Lucas says he also tries to catch up on what's happening in the world and likes "a lot" to read the news and listen to the radio. "My life is radio," he says.

That said, and without wanting to advance more information so that "it becomes a reality", the artists say that they are excited about future projects in Latin America that will soon see the light.

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