The labels have sparked an outcry and led to increased questions about Twitter's future after Elon Musk's chaotic takeover. The label led to the US public broadcasters NPR and PBS, as well as the Canadian CBC, withdrawing completely from Twitter.

Now AFP reports that major media companies from a number of countries, including China, Russia and several Western countries, whose accounts had previously been marked with the stamps no longer have them. These include the New China News Agency (Xinhua) and Russia Today (RT). Nor does Swedish Radio retain the stamp they were previously given.

Pope buckless

On Thursday, Twitter also made reality of CEO Elon Musk's promise and removed the blue checkmarks that so-called "verified accounts" have had. Only those who paid for the goats are allowed to keep them.

This means that Pope Francis, ex-President Donald Trump, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and artist Beyoncé, for example, now have tickless Twitter accounts.

For example, The New York Times has previously lost its tick after refusing to pay the fee of USD 1,000 a month, equivalent to just over SEK 10,000. For private individuals, the blue checkmark costs eight dollars a month, around SEK 82.

Musk swipes up for King

However, the scandal-ridden Twitter CEO reportedly paid out of pocket for three people's bucks: author Stephen King, actor William Shatner and basketball star LeBron James.

Since Tesla boss Elon Musk took the helm of Twitter in 2022, the scandals have followed each other. Among other things, Musk chose shortly after the takeover to radically cut his workforce. At the same time, questions about where Musk's Twitter is really heading have piled up.