Just seeing it turns the stomach and the thing, far from improving, gets much worse at the precise moment in which its nauseating smell penetrates through the nostrils. And, apparently, it also tastes terrible. But the fact is that, although its appearance is disgusting and, both its smell and its taste, are disgusting, natto has become super fashionable on Tik Tok for its supposed health benefits.

Viscous as a huge transparent mucus, this food, which was introduced to Japan from China in time immemorial, is one of the essentials of the Japanese diet. "A pack of natto a day keeps you away from death," it is said. The question, as often happens in the case of those considered as 'superfoods', is what is true and what is legend in all this.

Well, as shown in research, carried out by experts from the National Cancer Center in Tokyo and published in the 'British Medical Journal' on January 29, 2020, people who eat fermented soy-based foods, such as natto, every day are 10% less likely to die from a stroke or heart attack.

But what, exactly, is this kind of edible blandiblu that 'peta' among influencers? "It's a traditional Japanese food made from fermented soybeans. The beans are cooked, a tablespoon of sugar is added to them and then exposed to the action of the bacterium 'bacillus suptiles' for 24 hours at a temperature of 40 degrees. When fermented, it gives off like a viscous slime with a fairly strong smell, similar to ammonia, and the consistency of a mucus," explains María Amaro, a nutrition specialist.

Traditionally, "natto is a 'staple' in Japanese breakfasts and is usually consumed with rice, noodles or omelette," says Amaro.

What are the benefits? "A very versatile source of proteins, vitamins and minerals, it is rich in CLA fatty acids (rich in Omega 3 and Omega) and it has been shown that its consumption is associated with a lower risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases due to its high content of isoflavones that also makes it a food with a high antioxidant power and, Therefore, in an ally against aging! .

It is, continues this specialist, "the food that has a higher content of vitamin K2, guarantor of our bone health and powerful antioxidant. In addition, it 'provides' "a phospholipid that helps reduce triglyceride levels and, consequently, prevent cardiovascular problems."

Amaro says that, "thanks to its high contribution in fibers, both oligosaccharides and non-digestible carbohydrates, it stimulates the bacteria of the colon, so it is considered a very interesting probiotic".

However, despite its undeniable "preventive power", María Amaro warns that "natto is beneficial within the framework of a healthy diet but, in no case, as we are trying to 'sell', serves to replace any drug when we need it". To which, I would add, if, beyond the pintón that remains in the videos, it is worth going through the drink (never better said) of putting it in your mouth. I don't see it at all clearly.

  • China
  • Japan
  • Tik Tok

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