Solène Delinger 14:39 pm, April 18, 2023

Saturday, April 15, 2023, Liane Foly was the guest of Déborah Grunwald in the show "Dans le Rétro", on France Bleu. The 60-year-old singer has confided in her relationship to cosmetic surgery. The star, who has undergone several operations, including rhinoplasty, may not "do again" some of them.

Liane Foly without filter. Guest of the show Dans le Rétro on France Bleu to talk about her new show La folle repart en thèse, the singer of 60 openly confided in her relationship to plastic surgery. The star returned to his rhinoplasty in the late 1990s. At the time, Liane Foly was very "embarrassed" by her "hooked nose". If the operation had been a relief for the singer, she had quickly been confronted with the gaze of others, who were not really benevolent towards her...

"It was the others who bothered me with it"

"It's really a desire because when I started in this environment, I saw myself in pictures, on TV, it bothered me a little bit this rather hooked nose. I didn't hesitate, I did, but long after the beginning, I did it in 1997, so ten years already. Me personally, it did not cause me any problem, it was the others who bothered me with it, "recalled Liane Foly who keeps a very bad memory of this period when she felt judged.

"When I had nose surgery, it was something that was terrible because people talked more about my nose, my operation than the beautiful album I had made at the time," she also regretted on France Bleu.

"I didn't have the maturity to accept myself as I was"

Liane Foly has never regretted her choice to have her nose redone even if she recognizes that her concerns have changed today, with age and experience: "When you get older, you say to yourself: 'I did not have the maturity maybe to accept myself as I was and to love this nose'. Today, with my path, everything I've done, I might not do it again."

During her interview, Liane Foly also wanted to set the record straight: no, she has not done "as much work" as Madonna, and has "never done a facelift". "Everyone thinks I did five or six and no," she said.