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Free passage to the sun and high temperatures. Climate change has managed to advance the meteorological calendar and park that of the thousand waters of April; Instead, long, warm days anticipate an impending summer. With your eyes set on the bikini and the lounger, it's time to get down to work to tone our body and get it firm and in perfect shape in just one month.

Little time? Enough if it is taken advantage of, because excuses no longer work, it is time to take action. The secret to success lies in setting priorities and 'pointing out' the key points that we need to address. And these are always three: belly, legs and buttocks, the parts that most concern us of our anatomy because they are the ones that suffer the most from the ravages of our rhythm of life -according to a study by the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition 15% of the population declares itself openly sedentary-, our bad nutritional habits and yes, Also, the inevitable passage of time.

Because although things change mentalities evolve, the perception of one's own body remains a complex story. So much so, that two out of three women are self-conscious about some part of their anatomy, according to a recent report by the international market research and data analysis firm YouGov. And what worries us most are the buttocks and holsters, thighs, abdomen and waist, especially rebellious areas that tend to flaccidity and in which fat usually accumulates.

The first step is to change our routines. To get in shape in just one month you have to maintain a healthy diet that prioritizes vitamins and proteins, hydrate by drinking plenty of water – the famous two liters, which can also be achieved with infusions but never with soft drinks – and include exercise in our day to day and constantly. "Although it will depend on our level and our goals, if we work three or four days a week, as recommended by the World Health Organization – which establishes doing about 30-40 minutes of daily physical activity or taking 10,000 steps to maintain optimal health levels – in 21 days we will have acquired the habit and from the month we will notice it, " says an expert, trainer Crys Dyaz. To make it easier, the well-known celebrity trainer, and responsible for getting Ana Peleteiro in shape after her maternity, has proposed with LPG some short routines, 30-35 minutes with warm-up and stretching in a few square meters, designed for those who do not want to step on the gym. In this case, the machines are replaced by elastic bands to achieve better results.

Buttocks up

To lift the buttocks and compete with Kim Kardashian there is no better exercise than squats, the best kept secret of a high and firm ass. If we also do them with elastic bands, we will increase the workload, that is, "the rubbers will help us tone and work the strength, so necessary to change the percentage of our body composition, and have less fat and more muscle," says Crys Dyaz. And, incidentally, "with them we will increase the intensity of the exercises we are executing and we will promote the activation of the abdomen, with which we do a synergistic work where we strengthen legs and buttocks, but also, at the same time, abdomen".

How do we do them? "We place the rubber on top of the knees and execute the squat with the feet facing forward, the legs well apart and managing the breath while extending the legs, squeezing the buttock and putting the abdomen," explains the coach.

It is very important to know that "we must place them above the knee joints and maintain the tension in the rubbers, so that the knees are separated, without putting them in a cross or putting them inwards," he warns. When we go down we must control the movement, "and at the time of ascent release the air while activating the abdomen and squeezing the gluteus to increase speed and explosiveness in the rise phase of the squat". In addition, "the back should be kept straight and the arms in front of the chest, with the hands intertwined." Do we want to further increase the difficulty and work? It incorporates dumbbells.

In addition, the simple exercises that appear in the following LPG video will help you control the other big problem in this area, cellulite.

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Steel legs

The legs are easy to shape if you work constantly with strength exercises and not only cardio, explains Mauricio Mastrogiuseppe, personal trainer and fitness expert for more than two decades and specialized in the field of electrostimulation. And one of the areas that most concern, by conflictive, are the abductors, that is, the inner thighs, a part that tends to fall and that, compared to others is more difficult to tone.

To harden this area there is a "very effective exercise that anyone can do without having a great physical shape," explains the personal trainer. It is about "lying on your back on a mat with your legs semi-bent, taking a small latex ball between your knees and squeezing it for 4 seconds with all the force we can. Then we rest for about 2 seconds," he explains. "In this way we work the internal musculature of the cuisa, normally known as femoral femur, working from the inner parts of the knees to the abductors." And if we want to increase the intensity, we can "rest our feet on the floor, flex our legs and elevate the pelvis so that we do not touch the ground with our buttocks," he adds. And, for added difficulty, the bands mentioned above can be added on the ankles, calves and abductors.


So that in a month the results begin to be seen, you have to perform 2 or 3 sets of 15 repetitions each at least three times a week. And, with the aim that the muscles do not get used to always perform the same routines, we can introduce some weight to reduce the percentage of body fat, says the coach. The good thing about the inner thigh is that it is "very grateful and tones relatively quickly," says Mauricio, who also recommends "resorting to draining massages in the area that favor circulation and elimination of liquids, as well as a diet with a high percentage of proteins and vegetables. "

A belly with a tablet

With a month ahead, getting a flat stomach that shows the long-awaited plank does not seem easy, but it is possible. It is not about killing abs, but about constantly doing those that are most effective. María Durán, instructor at Yoofit gyms, explains the perfect routine for the laziest: easy, fast and so effective that you will begin to see the results shortly, with enough time to want to put on the bikini now.

This table of specific exercises is done in just 10 minutes, and for it to work you have to do it a minimum of three days a week, although five are recommended. Very simple – and suitable for tamed vagas – in addition to providing "perfect abdominals also provides numerous benefits, such as preventing back injuries or reducing pain, improving body posture and even breathing better," says María Durán.

  • Front plate. Lying face down, with the forearms and toes of the feet supported, raise the hip forming a line from head to toe, being parallel to the ground.
  • Bear pass. As its name suggests, it consists of imitating the walk of a bear. Position yourself in quadrupedia resting your hands on the floor a little further apart than the width of your shoulders. Raise the hips separating the knees from the ground, remaining in a position whose only points of support are the hands and the tips of the feet, trying to parallel the torso to the ground. From this position, move forward alternating the movement of one hand and the foot on the opposite side.
  • Modified dead bug. Lying on your back with your hips and knees bent at a 90º angle. Place your hands on your thigh, above your knees keeping your elbows straight. From this position, press your hands against your knees and vice versa, thus noticing the tension in the entire abdominal area.
  • Side iron In a sideways position, support your forearm by placing your elbow below your shoulder and both feet together. Separate the body from the ground by raising the hip forming a straight line with the body from head to toe.
  • Front iron with shoulder touch. Start in the front plank position supporting your hands, with your wrists below your shoulders and your feet hip-width apart. Touch the left shoulder with your right hand, return to the starting position, touch the right shoulder with your left hand, and return to the starting position. Repeat these movements for the duration of the exercise.
    • Fitness

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