Tai'an, 4 April (ZXS) -- Topic: The northern spring taste is near, and Taishan tea is being cooked idly

Authors: Liang Ben, Liu Ping, Li Xue

The spring breeze in northern China came later than in the south. With the warmer temperature in April, northern spring tea has been dyed with spring, tea buds after a winter of ice and snow quenching and an early spring accumulation and germination, taste, appearance and aroma are all excellent, highly sought after by tea drinkers.

Qingming is too early, and Lixia is late. At this time, walking into the tea garden of Taishan Tea Valley, the tea trees all over the mountains are verdant, layer by layer, and the tender green buds quietly spit out new, showing the branches, exuding a burst of fragrance.

Tea pickers pick "head stubble" shoots in the tea garden of the Tea Creek Valley at the foot of Mount Tai. Photo by Sui Xiang

Looking around, the quick-eyed tea pickers shuttled between the tea trees, gently twisted with one hand, the "head stubble" shoots fell into the palm, and then put into the bamboo basket around the waist after three or five pieces, and after a while, the basket was already green. In the tea workshop not far away, the tea selection machine, the finishing machine and the dryer play a harmonious melody, and the entire tea garden presents a thriving scene.

According to Tian Shuangshuang, director of the Taishan Tea Culture Research Center, the wind of tea drinking in the north began from Lingyan Temple and was integrated into the worship of Mount Tai, resulting in tea banquets, tea festivals and tea giving and other tea customs, which became a unique tea culture in Taishan culture.

Workers spread out the freshly picked Taishan tea "head stubble" shoots to dry. Photo by Sui Xiang

Chaxi Valley is located in Daolang Town, Daiyue District, Tai'an City, the western foothills of Mount Tai, more than 10 kilometers away from the main peak of Mount Tai, surrounded by mountains, connected by pools under the deep fence of lush forests, vast fertile soil nourishes thousands of acres of ecological tea gardens, is a natural valley, named for the abundance of Taishan tea.

"After the introduction of 'tea from the south to the north', Taishan had a tea garden around 1970, and in 2009, it selected and bred the first drought-resistant and high-quality tea variety in Shandong Province, 'Taishan Luohan No. 1'." Sun Haiwei, director and researcher of the Fruit Tea Institute of Tai'an Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said that the unique water and soil resources and temperate continental semi-humid monsoon climate in the foothills of Taishan Mountain make Taishan tea rich in more active ingredients such as tea polyphenols and theanine.

"Spring tea doesn't have to be greedy. Due to the unique high-latitude growth environment, the northern tea garden has a longer rest period and cultivation period than the southern tea garden, which also creates the unique qualities of northern tea such as high aroma, brewing resistance, strong taste and thick leaves. Wang Zhaoxiang, the person in charge of Taishan Tea Valley, told reporters that due to the high altitude of Mount Tai, perennial clouds and mist, and large temperature differences between day and night, tea grows slowly, rich in nutrients, and with soft and hard suitable Taishan spring water, Taishan tea soup is more tender and green, bright, fragrant and strong.

In 2021, "Taishan Tea Making Technique" was listed as the fifth batch of provincial intangible cultural heritage in Shandong Province. As the "leader" of Taishan tea industry, Wang Zhaoxiang believes that the tea leaves of Taishan tea are beautiful, the ropes are tight, and after the process of manual drying, kneading, and stir-frying by the roasters, the brewed tea soup is mellow and mellow, and the return is long, achieving a unique northern spring taste.

"Good tea is also afraid of deep alleys. This year, we will make both efforts in variety introduction and brand promotion. "Following the direction of Wang Zhaoxiang's finger, the reporter saw that the hillside in the distance had turned over new soil." At present, the company is introducing and screening rare tea plant varieties, making tea and producing fine tea, domesticating and breeding unique tea plants at the foot of Mount Tai, and promoting Taishan tea culture to the whole country and even the world. Wang Zhaoxiang said.

Wang Zhaoxiang put the tea leaves into the equipment for titian. Photo by Sui Xiang

"In the past, tea plants were grown sporadically by farmers, with low prices and varying quality." Xu Libo, member of the party group and second-level researcher of the Tai'an Agricultural and Rural Bureau, said that the local tea industry has gradually developed towards wisdom and science, and up to now, the cultivation area of Taishan tea has reached 5,10 mu, with an output value of 8.<> billion yuan.

Xu Libo said that in recent years, Tai'an has promoted standardized tea production, popularized the application of modern agricultural new technologies such as facility cultivation, balanced fertilization, ecological prevention and control, etc., and the requirements for the quality and stir-frying process of Taishan tea have become stricter and more standardized, and the ecological environment of tea gardens has also been significantly improved.

Tai'an City also encourages enterprises to vigorously develop the "tea industry + culture + tourism" model, and build the planting area into an idyllic scenic spot and research base. Tourists can not only enjoy the scenery of the tea garden, but also learn tea, distinguish tea, taste tea, buy tea, and immerse themselves in the fun of tea picking and tea making.

From "one leaf" to "one industry", in Tai'an, Taishan tea is not only an important part of Taishan culture, but also a "booster" for high-quality economic development. Sit around the stove and make a cup of tea, where mountains, water, tea and people coexist and blend together. (End)


