These little habits are slowly making you ugly

A colleague suddenly asked me one day: "Is there such a saying clinically - sleeping on the side is easy to cause folds on the face and affect the appearance..." This kind of situation is not uncommon. So, today we will talk in detail about which small habits may affect your appearance. Understanding it and changing it will maximize your appearance.

Sleeping on one side deepens the "nasolabial folds"

First of all, the habit of sleeping on one side will affect the appearance and lead to deepening of the nasolabial fold. Some people also call it "nasolabial folds". In medicine, the nasolabial fold is actually a structural drop caused by the difference in the fatty area of the middle face and the fat-free area around the mouth due to the difference in "altitude", which visually presents two textures of the figure Ba shape, and some people call it "figure eight pattern".

It is unrealistic not to have nasolabial folds, and small babies also have nasolabial folds, because it is said above that it is actually the dividing line between the middle facial tissue and the perioral tissue. Especially when we smile, the muscles of the middle face will contract and lift our lower facial tissue, resulting in a more pronounced nasolabial fold, and with the change of nasolabial fold, our smile will be more vivid.

However, the gradual deepening of nasolabial folds is a criterion for the evaluation of the "aging" that we are all worried about, and the cause of deepening nasolabial folds is not only caused by the smile lifting tissue we say, but also an important reason is that the tissue of the middle face, especially the adipose tissue, because of aging, there is sagging and sagging, and the nasolabial fold area because there is no fat, like a, intercepting our loose tissue, the more loose the tissue, the more tissues intercepted, the deeper the "nasolabial folds".

So if we are always used to sleeping on one side and prefer to use hard pillows, because the stress in the fatty area and the fat-free area is not the same, it will inevitably cause obvious folds on the skin due to the long-term squeeze of sleep (after all, we fall asleep can not guarantee that the skin is always flat, except for lying flat), which is manifested as the deepening of the nasolabial fold. The solution is that since we can't change the habit of sleeping on the side, then choose a soft pillow to minimize the squeeze on the skin, which will make our appearance less affected.

Chewing hard food makes the face "square"

Another habit that affects appearance is chewing hard foods such as "crunchy crispy bones, beef jerky", etc., or chewing gum for a long time, these habits will fully exercise our masseter muscles. And we Oriental women, many pursue slap faces, awl faces, a fat masseter muscle will make the already three-dimensional face of Oriental women appear wide, become square face, and some will even become a triangular face. This change in the big face is difficult for many people to accept.

So, if this situation occurs, how to remedy it, stopping these bad habits may help to reduce the further hypertrophy of muscles to a certain extent, but for the already hypertrophic muscles have a limited effect, if there is a strong willingness to improve, it can only be solved by injecting "face slimming needles", that is, botulinum toxin.

The principle of botulinum toxin is to block the transmission of nerve-muscle signals, so that the muscles begin to "rest", then with the use of waste and retreat, the muscles will slowly thin, but the maintenance time of botulinum toxin is only 4-6 months, you need to insist on playing several times, while changing the habit of force, so that the muscles use less force, the effect can be maintained. Then the prevention method is mainly to chew less gum and eat food that needs to be chewed hard, and it will not become "big face".

Hi frowns, beware of "Sichuan character patterns" climbing on the face

Another habit that will affect the appearance is frowning, because there are actually many patients who frown and come to the clinic to solve the "Sichuan character pattern". Habitual frowning can lead to vertical skin folds between the eyebrows shaped like the character "Sichuan", also called "Sichuan character lines" or "hanging needle lines".

People with "Sichuan character patterns" will give people the feeling of frowning, making people difficult to get close and "sad" on their faces. Its cause is caused by the repeated contraction and squeezing of the skin by our interglarillary muscle complex - frown muscle, brow lowering muscle and interbrow lowering muscle, which is only a wrinkle on the skin in the early stage, and slowly the loss of subcutaneous tissue will appear and manifest as a deep groove. The most effective solution for early skin folds is botulinum toxin, which "incapacitates" the muscles for a short time and no longer squeezes the skin hard to achieve the effect of wrinkle smoothing.

If there is a deep groove caused by tissue loss, not only botulinum toxin should be injected to release the muscle, but also the volume of local tissues, such as hyaluronic acid injection or autologous fat, etc., can completely improve wrinkles. However, after wrinkles improve, it is still necessary to pay attention to changing the habit of frowning, otherwise wrinkles will still return. The prevention program is also when you have an unconscious habit of frowning, be sure to remind yourself "don't wrinkle, don't wrinkle, don't wrinkle", and say important things three times.

If you do not remove makeup, it is easy to stuffy and the pores will become larger

Finally, let's talk about a small habit that affects your appearance is not to remove makeup. Now everyone will wear a little light makeup when they go out, and they will be lazy and not remove their makeup when they are too tired after playing late. Often like this, cosmetics will stay for a long time to clog the pores, affecting the skin's breathing, not only will accelerate the aging of the skin, but also easy to acne. Acne, more or less the skin will leave marks, pores become enlarged, wrinkles, acne scars, acne pits all come.

Therefore, no matter how busy and tired you are, it is very important to wash your face well and remove makeup, lazy for 5 minutes, and it takes twice as long to take in the follow-up may not be able to repair it.

Text/Li Weiwei (Beijing Tsinghua Chang Gung Hospital)