Rémi Jacob, with Solène Delinger 10:44 am, April 17, 2023

Sandrine Rousseau is stunned after the broadcast Thursday night on France 2 of a portrait dedicated to her. The ecologist MP expressed her anger exclusively at the microphone of Europe 1 for the program "Culture Media" of Philippe Vandel. She deplores the fact that the journalists of "Complement d'enquête" questioned her father to learn more about his character.

A portrait of Sandrine Rousseau was broadcast Thursday night on France 2. A long investigation devoted to this politician presented by the magazine as one of the most divisive.

Sandrine Rousseau angry at France 2 teams

But what did the main interested party think? Sandrine Rousseau is very angry with the France 2 teams. In his viewfinder, in particular: the introductory sequence. His father was interrogated at his home in Charentes-Maritime. She is asked to talk about her daughter's childhood and upbringing. "We begin a portrait with the opinion of a father who must make a kind of self-criticism of the education he would have given me. As if the fight I am leading for gender equality would be a fight that would find its source in the relationship with my father. We do not do that to men, "rebelled Sandrine Rousseau exclusively at the microphone of Europe 1 for Culture Media.


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"He was interrogated for almost four hours and they kept a little sentence. I got him on the phone and he was flabbergasted. I am really very angry that in 2023, on a public television channel, we are still making portraits of women politicians where we question their dads to find out who these women are. The portrait, moreover, is essentially about the character and not about the political fight that I lead, "then lamented the ecologist deputy.

Sandrine Rousseau's father very uplifted

Sandrine Rousseau is therefore very uplifted, just like her father. He also hesitates to write himself to the channel and journalists to express his dissatisfaction with this sequence.