The addicts, the "party junkies", the dealers and the heavy criminals who control the drug dealing – these are some of the people that Magnus (Oscar Töringe), Sara (Amanda Jansson), Jesse (Per Lasson) and the other main characters in the series are confronted with in the upcoming season.

"At the same time, the main characters of 'Thin Blue Line' continue the struggle to balance professional insights with private relationships," writes SVT in a press release.

As before, Cilla Jackert is responsible for the idea and is the main writer of the series.

"It feels interesting and difficult, but above all obvious to concentrate season three of 'Thin Blue Line' on the police's many drug-related tasks," she says in the press release.

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Gizem Kling Erdogan: "Even though we know it's fiction, it's like the body is still going through the situation." Photo: SVT