The popularity of primary school students to play "electric shake" has caused parents to worry

Expert: Don't worry too much and don't let it go

Recently, have you noticed that children in elementary school always like to do a strange movement: squat with their legs down, stretch their arms forward, and do "saw-of-war" shaking with high frequency? For elementary school children, this is a social language that they call "electric shake". This unsightly and impolite behavior is particularly popular among children, and has become another phenomenal behavior that has appeared in the group of elementary school students after "The Lonely Brave".

"At first, when I saw students in the class doing this action, I thought it was a new game for the children, but it was not very elegant and did not stop it, but then students kept coming to me and told me that so-and-so 'electric shake' him, I felt very aggrieved and angry, and I realized that 'electric shake' was far beyond my imagination." A primary school class teacher in Wuhan told reporters that this is not beautiful, and even some vulgar actions, which are rapidly penetrating into the group of primary school students at a viral speed.

Squat with the legs, one hand is raised horizontally in front of the chest, and the other hand is thrusting up and down it, with the lower body quickly striding shaking or squatting - this is a complete set of "electric shaking" movements.

When it comes to "electric shake", many parents resonate. Some parents said that at the school gate, downstairs in the community, and even at the bus station, they saw many little boys doing this exaggerated action to each other, which was very offensive and very impolite. But it seems to be a social interaction between them in body language.

Regarding the origin of "electric shake", various theories are circulating on the Internet. The more convincing claim comes from an action in an online game that expresses contempt for mocking opponents and has been repeatedly suggested by veteran players to delete. Some parents who have studied dance say that this is a connecting movement used in many dances.

However, this originally meaningless action is very popular among primary school students, and the spread is getting faster and faster, and the application scenarios are becoming more and more widespread.

A survey of nearly 1000,11 parents by the media showed that about half of the students who had this social language in their lives accounted for about half of the students. In addition to elementary school students, 44.1% of junior high school students and less than 43% of kindergarten children. At the same time, 71.<>% of parents believe that these social languages have a certain negative impact on children's language expression and values.

These parents' concerns are justified. Children in primary school and kindergarten are not yet mature in their "three views", and their ability to distinguish between right and wrong is poor, and they may just imitate it if they think it is "fun" and "interesting". "It's also a herd effect, influenced by the surrounding environment and peers. They may imitate the words and actions of their peers and feel that they are more welcome to mingle with their peers. Professor Tu Yanguo of the School of Education of Central China Normal University said that if children make all kinds of offensive behaviors regardless of the occasion and etiquette, or even carry uncivilized and unhealthy actions and language, over time, it will become the child's behavior habits, thus affecting the child's value judgment and biasing the child's growth trajectory.

Whether it is singing "The Lonely Brave" or doing the "electric shake" action, it is undoubtedly a childish way of expressing emotions and socializing.

Tu Yanguo said that with more and more contact with society and the Internet, it is difficult for primary school students to avoid learning language or movements from the Internet or peers. Some "harmless" social language is a child's innocent happiness, and also helps children integrate into the group and develop social skills. Parents can not worry too much and interfere blindly.

Of course, it cannot be left unchecked. Liu Yurong, a national second-level psychological counselor who has been engaged in student mental health counseling for a long time, believes that as parents and teachers, children should be educated in standardized social etiquette and civilized language with a dialectical and vigilant attitude, help them improve their ability to distinguish right from wrong as soon as possible, and build a "firewall" in their hearts to automatically block out bad information and not be affected by the external environment.

Spreading social etiquette, advocating civilized language, and resisting Internet memes require the joint efforts of the whole society. Tu Yanguo said that whether to put a "seal" on children's social language as "not suitable for children", or sincerely encourage them to try to explore the "joint code" with elegant movements and full of positive energy, this question needs to be considered by schools, families and society. According to Xinhua News Agency