Rebecka Teper was born in 1972 and was the daughter of actor Basia Frydman. She started her career in the TV soap "Rederiet" and also starred in "Skärgårdsdoktorn", the film "Hundtricket" and "Bonusfamiljen".

She played the role of Mickan's best friend Lussan in Solsidan in all seasons, except for the one currently being filmed. Then she was too sick, says series creator Felix Herngren to Aftonbladet.

"Despite her pointed tongue, Rebekah had a constant warmth that rubbed off on the scene, and on all of us in the team. We hoped that Rebecka would be able to participate this season as well, but we were told by her last winter that she would not be able to do it, writes Herngren in a message to the newspaper.

Rebecka Teper was married to the author and singer Carl-Johan Vallgren. She was 50 years old.