【During the same period】Wang Jianquan, curator of culture and history of the Cultural Protection Center of Yellow Crane Tower Park

He Ri invited the Ying Tirui Brigade to cross Qinghe Luo with a whip. But he returned, continued the Hanyang tour, and rode the yellow crane.

In 1134 AD, Yue Feitun, a famous general of the Southern Song Dynasty, marched to Wuhan. After recovering the six prefectures of Xiangyang and stationed in Ezhou, he climbed the Yellow Crane Tower and wrote this poem "Manjiang Red Climbing the Yellow Crane Tower with a Feeling". This year's Spring Festival, the domestic movie "Manjiang Red" set off a "Yue Fei fever", and many citizens and tourists climbed the Yellow Crane Tower to pursue the "Yellow Crane Tower Complex" of their ancestors.

According to historical records, during the Three Kingdoms period, Wu lord Sun Quan built the ancient city of Xiakou (now Wuchang City) in Snake Mountain, and built a military watchtower at Huanghuji, the first peak of the Snake Mountain River, which is the predecessor of the Yellow Crane Tower.

【During the same period】Wang Jianquan, curator of culture and history of the Cultural Protection Center of Yellow Crane Tower Park

In this 1800-year history, the Yellow Crane Tower has been repeatedly destroyed and built in the world, and the Yellow Crane Tower of each dynasty has its own style and characteristics, and the (modern) reconstructed Yellow Crane Tower was built on the prototype of the Yellow Crane Tower in the Qing Dynasty (the seventh year of Tongzhi). It is a square corner with a "well" shape, which is lighter, and the whole building looks more agile.

【Commentary】In 1985, the Yellow Crane Tower was officially opened to the public. Tourists walk into the south gate of the scenic spot and look up to see the imposing stone carvings of "The First Floor of the World" inscribed by the Northern Song Dynasty calligrapher Mi Fu.

【During the same period】Wang Jianquan, curator of culture and history of the Cultural Protection Center of Yellow Crane Tower Park

In fact, this statement, it should be said that there is a historical relationship with this famous calligrapher Mi Fu of the Northern Song Dynasty, Mi Fu once served as an official in Zhenjiang, Zhenjiang has a scenic spot called Duojinglou, because he often went to Duojinglou when he was an official, so he wrote the verse of the first floor of the world's Jiangshan for Duojinglou, so I don't know when, the first floor of the world's Jiangshan climbed on the plaque of the Yellow Crane Tower, which may be the reason why the ancients believed that the Yellow Crane Tower should be ranked first in China's famous buildings.

【Commentary】Wang Jianquan introduced that the Yellow Crane Tower is famous for its poems, and there are about 1500,<> related poems. Qu Yuanxing chanted here, Yue Fei filled in the words here, Li Bai threw a pen here... The rich cultural connotation makes the Yellow Crane Tower a "solidified poem".

【During the same period】Wang Jianquan, curator of culture and history of the Cultural Protection Center of Yellow Crane Tower Park

Among the many poems, everyone is the most familiar, it can be said that the one who ascended the throne of the Yellow Crane Tower poetry hall is the one we are looking at behind us, Cui Hao's seven-law Yellow Crane Tower poem, which also led our great poet immortal Li Bai, after coming to the Yellow Crane Tower to see this poem, he did not dare to write a good story of poetry.

【Commentary】Today, the Yellow Crane Tower has become a famous building where "travel must be followed, banquet must be followed". During the Spring Festival in 2023, the Yellow Crane Tower will receive more than 17,<> tourists from all over the world. For Taiwanese director Xue Yingyu, who is based in Wuhan, the Yellow Crane Tower is also a place that "I have read in textbooks since I was a child". Xue Yingyu said that if you don't visit the Yellow Crane Tower, you won't have been to Wuhan.

[Contemporaneous] Taiwanese director Xue Yingyu

Because the Yellow Crane Tower represents a spirit of our entire Wuhan, but also represents our entire cultural history, in this place, I will definitely bring my friends, as well as friends from Taiwan, to this place together, and say that I have climbed the Yellow Crane Tower, which is the most important thing to come to Wuhan.

【Commentary】In recent years, the Yellow Crane Tower Scenic Area has also built a café, launching drinks such as the Yellow Crane Tower latte and "Li Bai's tea" and cultural and creative products such as Yellow Crane Tower bookmarks and canvas bags.

【During the same period】Yellow Crane Tower Cafe barista Yi Renqing

We have been moving towards this aspect, that is, IP, these are changing with the times, and then there will be many new products to slowly launch.

【Commentary】In order to permanently preserve precious historical and cultural resources, at present, the Yellow Crane Tower cultural database has been preliminarily completed. The database summarizes and includes literature about the Yellow Crane Tower from the aspects of characters, poems, ancient books, almanacs, and picture libraries, becoming a think tank for students, scholars and culture lovers to understand the Yellow Crane Tower, and also provides a strong content support and source of inspiration for cultural research and cultural tourism.

Zou Hao Wu Taotao reported from Wuhan, Hubei Province

Responsible Editor: [Luo Pan]