Shanghai, 4 Apr (ZXS) -- On the morning of 6 April, Ma Ying-jeou, who was currently visiting the mainland, led Taiwan students to Shanghai Fudan University for exchange discussions. He said that both sides of the strait should make greater efforts to promote youth exchanges, and the deeper the friendship between young people on both sides of the strait, the lower the chance of cross-strait conflicts.

Ma Ying-jeou arranged three cross-strait student exchanges during his trip, one at Wuhan University, one at Hunan University and one at Fudan University. Recalling the previous two exchanges, he said that seeing that students on both sides of the strait could not wait to exchange WeChat, and even couldn't stop until they got on the bus, it can be seen that young friends on both sides of the strait naturally communicate and integrate, which is logical, and also represents that young people on both sides of the strait just lack the opportunity to have more contact and understanding, and there is still a lot of room for effort.

He said that he found that students on both sides of the strait are concerned about issues of personal concern, including the academic system, examinations, employment and competition issues, and are very interested in the development of Chinese culture in Taiwan and the mainland. Therefore, in addition to promoting closer exchanges between young people on both sides of the strait, it is also necessary to help them solve various problems of practical concern.

"Over the years, cross-strait exchanges have been interrupted for several years due to political turmoil and the epidemic." Ma Ying-jeou said, "I hope that the first step will be taken by my trip, so that young people on both sides of the strait can resume exchanges, understand each other, have more contacts, and have more friendship between the two sides of the strait. ”

Ma Ying-jeou expressed the hope that young people on both sides of the strait can have as profound meaning as the name of Fudan University in the future, and the two sides of the strait can fight peacefully and revitalize China. He also invited teachers and students of Fudan University to visit Taiwan to experience Taiwan's customs and customs.

In the free exchange session, visiting Taiwanese students had a warm conversation with Fudan students. Sitting next to Hu Xue, an undergraduate student at Fudan University, is Sun Yuru, a student at Soochow University in Taiwan, and the two girls saw each other at first sight. Sun Yuru, who came to the mainland for the first time, showed Huxue that she had learned to pay with WeChat. She said that the mainland is developing prosperously, the economy is developing very fast, and the trip of a few days has opened her eyes.

Hu Xue said in an interview, "Although I got along with Taiwanese classmates for a short time, we have many common topics, there is no sense of estrangement, and my understanding of Taiwan is more specific." We added WeChat to each other and agreed to contact us often in the future. ”

Chen Kangni Chen, a student at National Chengchi University in Taiwan, told Yang Fan, a master's student at Fudan University, that she felt the rapid development of the mainland and the youthful spirit of college classmates.

Yang Fan told reporters that this exchange with Taiwanese students is a very valuable opportunity. "Mr. Ma quoted ancient poems to describe his feelings about each city, which touched me very much." He said, "Through this, we can feel that the cultures of the two sides of the strait share the same roots, we have the same feelings of home and country, the common historical accumulation, we are connected by blood, and we are a cordial family." ”

According to reports, Fudan University was founded in 1905, the name of the school is taken from the "Sun and Moon Guanghua, Dan Fudan Xi" in the "Shangshu Dabiography", which means the pursuit of light and self-improvement, and Mr. Sun Yat-sen is the first trustee. Fudan University has established exchange relations with 15 Taiwanese universities, including National Taiwan University, Chengchi University, and Tsinghua University in Hsinchu, and enrolled Taiwanese students for the first time in 1993. At present, there are 341 Taiwan students on campus, and 28 Taiwan students are on campus this semester. In order to better help Taiwanese youth study, live, find employment and start a business in the mainland, the school has also organized a special internship "Stars Program" for Taiwan students in Shanghai to provide internship and employment opportunities for Taiwanese students. (End)