In an accident in which a Ground Self-Defense Force helicopter lost its wake from radar during flight, parts such as window frames and rotors that appear to be part of the aircraft have been found.

We asked Mr. Koichi Isobe, who served as the Ground Self-Defense Force's Inspector General of the Eastern Area and is familiar with helicopter operations, about the purpose of boarding the helicopter and the cause of the accident.
(Good morning Japan broadcast at 7 o'clock)

Q. What was your first thought about this accident?
A. I was very surprised when I heard the first report. There have been no accidents involving Ground Self-Defense Force helicopters in the past five years, so I thought there were 1 crew members and a very large number of people on board.

Q. Division Commander Sakamoto, who just arrived last month, was also on board, but what was the purpose of that?
A. I have just arrived and am the commander of the 5th Division, the core unit in charge of Kyushu and Okinawa, so I think I went to the Nansei Islands for local reconnaissance because I wanted to check the site as soon as possible.

Q. You mentioned that it was to check the topography around Miyako Island.
A. It is very important for the commander of the Ground Self-Defense Force to see the situation on the island from the sky, and I think he was conducting such reconnaissance.

Q. What is the UH10 utility helicopter?
A. It's been about 8 years since we started introducing it, but I think it's a very stable and good aircraft. It is mainly used by the Ground Self-Defense Force for air transportation. It is an aircraft that is used as a patrol helicopter or rescue helicopter by the Maritime Self-Defense Force and the Air Self-Defense Force.

Q. What appears to be part of the aircraft was found at the scene. What are the chances of an accident?
A. I can't make predictions yet, but in general, in an aviation accident, it is possible that trouble will occur due to human error, a malfunction of the aircraft, or a collision with some object, bird, etc.

Q.If there is a problem with the aircraft, how will the crew members on board respond?
A. Basically, helicopters have rotors that rotate, so they use the rotors to descend naturally, which is called autorotation, but when the helicopter lands, the rotors tilt, so the crew escapes from the opposite door and exits the aircraft.

Q. What does it mean that the lifeboat was found folded?
A. The fact that it is folded may mean that there was not enough time to unfold it.

Q. How will the investigation of the cause proceed?
A. As the Chief of the Ground Staff has already said at the press conference, I believe that when the Accident Investigation Committee is established, the Japan Transport Safety Board will also start investigating the accident, so I think the investigation of the cause of the accident will proceed.