• Second advent of Mundotoro TV: new prices, "advanced agreements with Vodafone and Orange" and launch against the clock

The television platform of Orange has stopped broadcasting the signal tests of Mundotoro TV. Questioned about this matter in networks, the operator has confirmed that the broadcast of the channel is closed without further explanation: "I am sorry to indicate that the Mundotoro channel will not be available on Orange TV," replied an operator to a user on Twitter.

Pablo Romero, Director of Distribution of the new bullfighting streaming channel, explains what happened: "At no time have we received a negative or positive response from Orange. We understand that they must be valuing it. This Sunday we start the broadcasts with Easter Sunday in Seville but when it is really going to be defined is with the April Fair that we will broadcast from the 19th. Until that date I would not rule out that operators can join to host the channel as a dial. "

Can the bear's skin have been sold before hunting it? "Everything has happened in a very short period of time. These large operators -Orange and Vodafone- have their engineering and commercial processes. It's not overnight. In the case of Orange I would say that it is in a state of suspense, in the case of Vodafone I consider that it is at a more advanced point in which they are looking for the corresponding commercial space. The response to a challenge like this is not something light, they need their time of analysis and decision. We are in sensible times, considering that the uninterrupted programming begins on April 19."

In this first week with the subscription period open the former director of Canal + and Movistar + ensures that it has been very satisfactory. "In this first week the registrations have exceeded our expectations. With these data and the evolution that we can assume, we consider that the viability of the project is assured. We have been particularly struck by the number of annual subscriptions, indicating confidence and interest in the proposal from fans."

That subscription boom does not worry on a technical level. With the incorporation into the project of the platform 'plazadetorostv' (an app through which the Movistar + Toros Channel was broadcast abroad): "That platform managed a peak demand in 2022 of 8,000 users. In our forecasts we have a bottleneck of 15,000 users in these first days, after the April and San Isidro fairs [when at the moment there is no fair beyond Valencia announced in signature] we expect a turnout of 50,000 users. We have hired the best content distribution software to avoid technical problems and if our estimates are exceeded it has the agility to adapt to our needs. It's not the biggest of our problems right now."

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