• Research "Now we talk more about mental health but not necessarily better"
  • 40% of Spaniards believe their mental health is not good

Mercedes Navío has been managing Madrid's mental health actions since 2017, which has allowed it to ratify the importance of investment and the provision of resources in this area. Her 'other face', that of a clinical vocational psychiatrist, the one she never forgets and that, at some point, she will resume, keeps her close to the patient, whom she places at the center of all activity.

What does a care psychiatrist, who has experienced first-hand the problems of patients contribute to management? In m

In this case, it has allowed me never to forget what the objective of management is, which is none other than

Serving people

who have a mental health problem, who are suffering, in the best possible way, and

with the necessary resources

. Moreover, facilitate my

Professional colleagues

that at this moment they perform clinical care, that this assistance is done in the best conditions. Those are the two


, the two responsibilities of a manager. I have never left mental health management because I consider myself a

Vocational psychiatrist

And I have tried to improve it to the maximum, to the extent of my possibilities, from this responsibility that we call mesomanagement.

Globally, is mental health precarious?

One of the priority objectives that I have set myself when working in management has been to put on the table the


of attention to mental health and valuing the fact that there is much room for improvement. Sometimes, the


whereas accompanying these diseases also has repercussions on management; It can be mistakenly believed, by those who do not know this specific area, that there are fewer real opportunities for

help and provide solutions

. This is not the case at all; The field of mental health has many treatment opportunities for people, in every way and with all the different therapeutic variants. In addition, and contrary to what could sometimes be raised, we can say that the


intended for mental health has a

Reversal rate

Very important. In management language, we know that many actions in mental health

are cost-effective

. Preventive measures, such as suicide prevention, are absolutely necessary, but they are also cost-effective. It is very important to share knowledge and

Clinical and management languages

to be able to reflect that this area of attention is prioritized in management. That has been my priority objective and I know that not only in Madrid, but also in other autonomous communities, this priority has been put more in focus.

Since his arrival at the Office, several plans have been launched: Strategic Plan in Mental Health and Addictions, Suicide Prevention Plan, Covid-19 Mental Health Specific Plan. What are the preliminary or consolidated data of these actions in Madrid?

The 2018-2020 Mental Health Plan, which is fully evaluated and which, in fact, was

Starting point

of the elaboration of the current current plan of the Community of Madrid 2022/2024, executed the


of the planned funding and professional recruitment, which exceeded 200 professionals. In terms of organizational actions, the degree of implementation, despite the fact that it was a plan that in the last year coincided with the entire management of the Covid-19 pandemic, also exceeded around the

70% of the planned actions between those completed

and what we call

in development

. The margins for improvement that the evaluation of this plan showed, which were carried out and have been the starting point of the elaboration of the

Currently in force 2022/2024

, maintains as priority lines the attention to people with

severe mental disorder

and attention to

Children and adolescents

; add a specific line of

Prevention and promotion

, which we consider very important, and another on attention in


, another area in which further progress was noteworthy. In addition, it is accompanied by its own specific plan on the prevention of



Do these lines include both chronic and acute care?

The Mental Health Plan addresses the entire process; from the most acute needs to those that require rehabilitation and intensive treatments for longer periods of time. Sometimes, indeed, there is a


which is precisely a situation we are trying to avoid. In any case, the current plan, like the previous one, contemplates an endowment for the creation of

Rehabilitation units

and intensive treatment and

long-term care

; units of medium and long stay and that between the two exceed 140 beds. However, the priority is to carry out an assertive community treatment. Therefore, although the needs are observed in all care contexts, the

Outpatient mental health center

It's him


of this model, which does not mean that it is not necessary to reinforce and develop other types of resources. In fact, and for this reason, new day hospitals for adolescents and children have been created and existing ones will be reinforced, emphasis has been placed on the extension of the

Home care for these groups

. Other types of initiatives have also been launched, such as the

Behavioral Addictions

in the Gregorio Marañón Hospital, in Madrid, the

AMI-TEA program

of comprehensive medical care of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to the Hospital of Getafe in collaboration with the already established in the Gregorio Marañón through what we call a strategic alliance. To meet all needs, the

Suicide Prevention Programs

-which have been evaluated in the hospitals 12 de Octubre, La Paz, Gregorio Marañón and Fundación Jiménez Díaz and that have shown that they reduced the risk- to

All hospitals

and with

Specific staffing of professionals

, among other actions.

¿Se persigue ir disminuyendo la necesidad de la urgencia aguda hospitalaria en favor de una asistencia más continuada que consolide la prevención y el seguimiento?

Ese es, precisamente, el modelo comunitario en salud mental: reforzar el tratamiento en la comunidad para


, en la medida de lo posible, que sea necesaria la atención hospitalaria y, desde luego, la


. Sin embargo, está claro que no podemos dejar de prestar atención aguda. Por ello, hemos crecido en camas de hospitalización para adolescentes, por ejemplo, porque hubo un

incremento notable

de esta necesidad a la que se tuvo que dar respuesta. Pero el

objetivo a largo plazo

es que la atención hospitalaria urgente o aguda termine siendo lo menos necesaria posible.

¿Cómo es la 'salud' de la salud mental madrileña en comparación con la de las otras comunidades autónomas? ¿Es favorable? ¿Es mejorable?

La salud mental está saliendo de un escenario pandémico en el conjunto de las comunidades autónomas. En


en concreto, la

inversión mantenida en el tiemp

o en los últimos cinco años, con la ampliación de dotación de profesionales y de creación de recursos, está permitiendo colocarnos en una situación de poder

atender la necesidad

, priorizando, por supuesto, aquellos casos de mayor complejidad y gravedad. Tenemos

retos por delante

que, desde luego, vamos a abordar. Siempre hay márgenes de mejora que hay que acometer. Ese es el esfuerzo de los planes de salud mental: elaborarlos, ejecutarlos, evaluarlos y ver hasta dónde hemos llegado en la

culminación de los objetivos planteados

. En aquellos en los que la culminación no haya sido total, perseguirlos hasta que se cumplan.

Según los últimos datos, País Vasco -seguido de Cataluña, Baleares, Asturias, Navarra, Murcia y Madrid-, es la que tiene una mayor ratio de psiquiatras por cien mil habitantes. Este puesto coloca a la comunidad madrileña en una media alta. ¿Cuáles son las cifras actuales para psicólogos clínicos, enfermería de salud mental y terapeutas ocupacionales?

La incorporación de los planes mencionados superan en incorporación de

profesionales los 600

de todas las categorías desde 2017 hasta la culminación del plan 2022-2024, en el que además está prevista la incorporación de

370 profesionales

. En el plan 2018-2020 superaban los 225 que, junto a unidades adicionales que planteamos, alcanzaban casi 700 profesionales de todas las categorías en todo este periodo de tiempo.

Como gestora, pero también de su visión como profesional asistencial, ¿Considera que son suficientes para dar respuesta a la elevada demanda de la población?

Es muy importante que la

senda de la inversión

y de la


en salud mental sea mantenida para que el crecimiento del sistema sea armónico y para poder acometer las actuaciones reorganizativas. En ese sentido, creo que el

planteamiento es claramente sólido

, estamos en la buena senda. También nos ha permitido enfrentar la situación pandémica, quizá en mejor situación que en otros contextos. Creo, y estaría faltando a la verdad si no lo dijera, que tenemos que seguir en esta senda. Hoy por hoy, el


es poder contar con más

profesionales especialistas

disponibles. Es necesario ampliar las plazas de psiquiatría y, sobre todo, de psicología clínica porque, en este momento, la financiación de las plazas es un hecho. No tenemos los problemas que puede haber en otros ámbitos de la sanidad, pero es de suma importancia que tengamos

más profesionales disponibles

para poder contratar.

Sería un importante refuerzo para acabar con las listas de espera que siguen aún siendo largas...

Nuestro objetivo, vuelvo a recordar, es cubrir las necesidades, priorizándolas. En salud mental se da un fenómeno denominado

ley de cuidados inversos

que consiste en que, con frecuencia, las personas que más necesitan la atención son las que menos la solicitan. Esto es muy importante. Por supuesto,

hay que atender toda la demanda

, pero debemos realizar una priorización en función de la vulnerabilidad y complejidad. En personas que son menos tendentes a pedir ayuda tenemos que ser un

sistema proactivo

, que se adelante y que facilite su acceso. Esta perspectiva se tiene en cuenta a la hora de planificar y de ver dónde posicionamos los recursos, porque

los factores no solo son de ratio poblacional

. Hay que analizar otra serie de variables como los determinantes sociales de la salud, por ejemplo, que inciden en que, en un momento dado y ante una misma población numéricamente hablando, pueda haber

necesidades específicas

del tipo que sean. Estos criterios se han recogido y tenido en cuenta en los planes de salud mental porque, por ejemplo, no es lo mismo un contexto fundamentalmente urbano que uno rural a la hora de plantear el

acceso al tratamiento o el tipo de demandas

. Esa diversidad hay que tenerla en mente para responder adecuadamente.

Esto viene al hilo porque, como sabe, el grupo socialista de la Asamblea de Madrid ha anunciado que incluiría en su programa electoral la presencia de psicólogos en los centros de enseñanza y su pretensión de reducir a dos semanas las listas de espera en salud mental.

Creo que el camino adecuado es el que estamos llevando a cabo desde esta entidad. Ese camino pasa por dos claves presentes en el Plan de Salud Mental: primera, el


profesional. Para ello, los planes deben ser participativos, han de incluir

todas las sensibilidades

y tener una

vocación de pluralidad

. Cuando ese afán está presente en la mayoría de las actuaciones, profesionales, sociedades científicas y usuarios estamos de acuerdo. Puede haber luego

diferencias de matiz,

pero el grado de consenso, cuando se busca y hay voluntad de que se encuentre, se encuentra para lo que es esencial y necesario. La otra clave se basa en la financiación, la inversión y la priorización de la salud mental

maintained over time

. And all this without losing sight of other focuses of fundamental priority such as the professional, the human factor, which in mental health is the latest technology. The


We are the

Therapeutic tools

So we can't lose focus and that's what we've been working on for some time. In this regard, I refer to the facts. No shock plan proposed in a transversal and punctual manner will be successful because the complexity of this area requires a

roadmap and persistence in the roadmap

to be able to account for all the challenges posed.

What other innovative or preventive plans, one of the future challenges in your opinion, are contemplated?

Prevention is a future challenge, especially but not exclusively, in the adolescent and young population. It is, without a doubt, a key objective in which we work together with the General Directorate of Public Health and

from different angles

: eating disorders, behavioral addictions or the Suicide Prevention Plan itself in which

Madrid is the autonomous community with the lowest rate

[According to the latest data, 5.2 deaths per hundred thousand inhabitants, compared to the national average of 8.3 per hundred thousand inhabitants].

The analyses also indicate that this year the average number of suicides in Spain has registered a slight increase. What could it obey?

Suicide is a complex and multifactorial issue in which they affect

Many elements of risk

. It is very likely that the context caused by Covid-19 has contributed to the increase in some of these factors, but we cannot reduce it to a single factor.

Is the public administration always going to respond to those who feel that their mental health is faltering?

Mental pathology must have attention and coverage of need. When there is a


, the response should be professional, with psychotherapy, with nursing care interventions and with administration of psychotropic drugs when necessary. But we are finding what we call

Emotional discomfort

l, of everyday life -a problem that is prior to the pandemic-, in which the response has to be

Other nature

: to be more involved in prevention and health promotion and to act with actions called

Partner prescription

l; even from education and emotional management in childhood and adolescence. It is good news that mental health has come out of the dark and is in the public debate today, but it is very important to address it rigorously. Otherwise, we can

provide an undue health response

, run the risk of generating noise that, even with the best intentions, is harmful. In that


It's where we have to move.

Next May there will be regional elections. But, regardless of the results, which lines would you like to see consolidated?

He spoke of consensus and financing. The Strategic Plan in Mental Health has a time horizon, until 2024, and is a sheet of

valid path

for these two ingredients in that period of validity. The culmination of this roadmap, as

Everyone's joint work tool

, would be something I would be reasonably satisfied with.

The capacity for dialogue, listening, shared work are some of the most recognized qualities among those who know it. Are they essential attributes for the entire group involved in their management and thus ensure that the 'diseases of the soul' are more understood, more visible, better cared for and treated, less stigmatized...

It is critical that we do not miss the opportunity afforded by the fact that mental health is in focus right now. And I think not to lose it

We must flee from maximalist approaches

that they break the consensus we have achieved - and I am not talking about Madrid but also at national level; from the psychiatric reform and what the transition around the community model meant. That would be a mistake.

jeopardize those consensuses

s for proposing maximalisms that can make hostages among the people who need us most. This is the time for mental health and, therefore, the time for all of us to put the

Look at the need of those to whom we owe ourselves

and the focus on the need for investment. At present, approaches of a different nature, of course respectable, would, in my opinion, go against achieving the culmination of this being the

Definitive moment

of mental health in Spain.