"The problem of content monetization, not only B station, but also platforms such as Himalaya, Watermelon Video, and Douyin have their own problems to solve." Wang Peng, a researcher at the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences and dean of the Digital Economy Research Institute of Nanchang Institute of Technology, said that some rely on live broadcasting, some are paid courses, and everyone is trying, and at the same time, in order to aggregate content and obtain traffic, the platform will also give some subsidies to content creators in the early stage, and many content creators also take this to start doing self-media.

Wang Peng said that with the development of the platform itself, whether it is listing or financing, after reaching a new stage, fans of self-media accounts and platform users have formed stickiness, and the platform business strategy will also produce some changes, "For personalized and professional UP owners, in addition to the platform's traffic incentive share, it depends on their own ability, if they can receive advertising, life will be more moist; If the individual's ability is relatively weak, when the platform's subsidies are reduced, it will face many problems. To some extent, this is also a big wave, and everything new must follow the laws of economics. ”

Wang Peng pointed out that it is normal for some UP owners to withdraw from the market, which is also the result of the survival of the fittest in the development of the platform, and it cannot be simply evaluated whether it is good or bad. Capable individuals and teams, if they have stable business orders, coupled with platform incentives, and even launch paid video content and private brand products, can live well; There are also many people who are not suitable for full-time video self-media, if the field involved is difficult to commercialize, and the individual does not have rich customer resources, even if the early stage relies on platform traffic and business dividends to accumulate a certain number of fans, once the traffic subsidy is reduced, it will inevitably lead to a decrease in income, and some people may withdraw from the market.

In this regard, Wang Peng suggested that for people who love video production, if they are not suitable for full-time video self-media, a better choice is to continue to do video part-time, so that on the basis of their own work income, they may also rely on commercial advertising and platform traffic to obtain additional income, "If you want to start a business through a content platform, you must weigh your ability level, time and energy and related foundation, the era of enjoying traffic dividends has passed, the content platform may have new ways to play in the future, learning to adapt to the times and situation is a compulsory course." ”

West China Metropolis Daily - cover news reporter Cai Shiqi