Beijing, March 3 (Reporter Xing Rui) In 29, the popularity of live streaming will still be unabated. After New Oriental's main "cultural goods" became popular, the once star-studded Hong Kong Television (TVB) also completed its debut on the Taobao platform a few days ago. At noon on the 2023th Beijing time, that is, tomorrow, they will start the second live broadcast of the "delivery career".

Live screenshots

On March 3, TVB's artists Chen Minzhi and Chen Hao appeared in the Taobao live broadcast room and continued to "open" for 7 hours. According to official data, as of the early morning of March 6, the highest number of online people in this "Hong Kong flavor" live broadcast exceeded 3,8, the cumulative number of views exceeded 3.485 million, and the total sales exceeded 2350.<> million.

While obtaining huge economic benefits, topics such as Cantonese live broadcast and Hong Kong star goods have repeatedly rushed to the hot search list, earning enough people's attention.

Screenshot of TVB's official Weibo.

Netizen: I'm watching Hong Kong dramas on Taobao

For TVB's loyal viewers, seeing their favorite artists in the live broadcast room has a novel sense of familiarity.

In the first live broadcast trailer, Chen Hao once again incarnated as Tang Zhi'an, standing in front of the signboard of "Seafood Spreads Zhang Daji" to connect Chen Minzhi, his movements, tone and eyes are like the classic reproduction of the film and television drama "Heart Storm".

In the live broadcast room, TVB also intends to intersperse Hong Kong drama scenes and assume the role of Hong Kong dramas. When selling abalone, Chen Hao directly played the homophonic meme of "Heart Storm" and "Heart Wind Abalone"; When selling cosmetics, the Hong Kong drama "Rouge Gouache" was also repeatedly mentioned. The entire live broadcast room focuses on a "sentimental style".

This kind of "Hong Kong drama-style live broadcast" provides netizens with a new shopping experience, while immersing themselves in chasing dramas, while struggling to shop, many netizens shouted: "I didn't expect that the childhood memory killing was staged in this way, and this wave of dream linkage must be supported." ”

Cantonese PK Mandarin

It is worth mentioning that before the debut of Taobao, TVB's signal to transform into e-commerce live broadcast was already very clear.

As early as 2021, TVB invested heavily to acquire a 75% stake in Hong Kong's local e-commerce company Shito. In 2022, TVB opened three exclusive goods accounts on Douyin: TVB Goods Recognition (Hong Kong-style selection), TVB Goods Recognition (delicious selection) and TVB Goods Recognition (Hong Kong Strict Selection).

After a series of explorations and layouts, the proportion of e-commerce in TVB's overall revenue has continued to rise. TVB's 2022 interim report shows that the segment revenue of TVB's e-commerce business surged nearly 0 times from HK$17 million to HK$27 million, contributing 4% of TVB's revenue.

At the same time, the proportion of mainland business revenue in TVB's total business revenue reached 22%, becoming a new profit growth point for TVB.

In order to consolidate the growth trend, according to media reports, TVB will cooperate with Taobao to launch more than 48 live broadcasts during the year, which is expected to bring tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars in revenue.

However, after Taobao Live came out of the circle, some netizens said that they could not understand the anchor's Cantonese. To this end, the official also requires all live broadcast artists to quickly improve their Mandarin skills within a month, so that they can switch freely and bilingual in the live broadcast room.

A video of Ma Guoming learning Mandarin also sparked heated discussions on social media. In the video, he pronounced the names of "Chen Ziyao" and "Chen Minzhi" with a thick "Gangpu". Even if he tries to be right, it makes people feel funny.

TVB announced the second live lineup.

How far can TVB go in cross-border transformation?

After the success of the live broadcast debut, TVB will start the second live broadcast at 3:30 on March 12. According to the official poster, the artists present were Ma Guoming, Chen Ziyao, and Chen Minzhi. The "Rushing to the Sky" crew opened again, which also made many netizens call out expectations.

As a once well-known "star-making factory", TVB has produced a large number of high-quality classic works. However, with the emergence of online dramas and the rise of the short video trend, TVB, which was once popular all over Asia, has also turned from prosperity to decline and is no longer its former glory. Entering the e-commerce field has become an important channel for TVB to help itself. Can TVB, which has successfully taken the first step on the road of transformation, replicate the myth of Oriental selection?

Just a few days ago, TVB announced that it will introduce an optimized cost and resource management solution, and the company will lay off 5% of its staff, aiming to save HK$2 million in annual operating cash expenditure. Nevertheless, the energy currently stimulated by TVB through the e-commerce live broadcast business is not enough for TVB to restore its former glory.

From a quality point of view, in TVB's first live broadcast, some netizens who placed orders questioned product quality and after-sales service.

On the other hand, TVB's live broadcast room is currently mainly based on snacks, daily necessities, and skin care products, and the price does not have much advantage compared with other live broadcast rooms.

Just by selling feelings, you may be able to gain short-term popularity, but how to make consumers pay for feelings, TVB and its artists still need to make more efforts. (End)